Creating newsletters

Xperience enables you to create newsletters, which your contacts can subscribe to on a live site. Newsletters are based on predefined templates, and every email can be edited and sent manually.

License limitations for newsletters

Sites running under the Kentico Xperience Business License Edition have a maximum limit of 10 newsletters. The number of newsletters is unlimited with the Kentico Xperience Enterprise license.

Creating a newsletter

To create a newsletter:

  1. Open the Email marketing application.

  2. Click New email feed.

  3. Select the Newsletter option.

  4. Fill in the basic properties of the newsletter:



    Display name

    Name of the newsletter that is displayed in the administration interface.

    Code name

    Name of the newsletter that is used as an identifier in web part properties, URLs and the API. You can leave the (automatic) option to have the system generate an appropriate code name from the display name.

    Subscription email template

    Select the template that the newsletter uses for subscription confirmation emails.

    Unsubscription email template

    Select the template that the newsletter uses for unsubscription confirmation emails.

    Sender name

    Name of the sender used in marketing emails. Authors of individual emails can override the value and set a different sender name.

    Sender email address

    The email address that the newsletter uses as the sender in emails. Authors of individual emails can override the sender address.

  5. Click Add templates and select the templates for the newsletter. The selected templates are available in the template selector when composing new emails.

  6. Click Save.

    • The system creates the newsletter and opens its Configuration tab.
  7. Configure the advanced settings of the newsletter:

    Property / Category



    Base URL

    Enter the base URL on which your live site is running (including the protocol, domain name and virtual directory). Leave empty to use the site’s Presentation URL. The newsletter uses the base URL to convert relative links to absolute URLs inside emails (for unsubscription links, image paths, etc.).


    Unsubscription page URL

    The relative URL path on your live site where users can unsubscribe from the newsletter.

    If you leave the property empty, the newsletter uses the value of the Settings -> On-line marketing -> Email marketing-> Unsubscription page URL setting.

    The specified URL needs to handles unsubscription requests.

    Send draft emails to

    The addresses specified here are pre‑entered by default when sending draft emails for testing purposes. You can enter multiple addresses separated by semicolons.

    Draft emails are not included in tracking statistics (email opening and link clicking).

    Email templates

    Email templates

    You can remove and add email templates assigned to the email campaign here.

    On-line marketing (For more information, see Tracking marketing emails.)

    Track opened emails

    If selected, you can monitor how many marketing emails are actually opened by recipients.

    Track clicked links

    If selected, you can measure the effectiveness of the marketing email based on its click rate.

    Log on-line marketing activities

    If selected, actions performed in the feed’s emails will be logged as an on-line marketing activities.

    Double opt-in

    Enable double opt-in

    If selected, double opt-in subscription for the newsletter is set up.

  8. Click Save.

Now that you have created a newsletter, you can write new emails or add recipients.