Settings - Files

You can access these settings in the Settings application under the System -> Files category.


Store files in

Select where you want the system to store the binary data of files (attachments, attachment history, metafiles).

  • Database
  • File system
  • Database and file system

Generate thumbnails

Indicates if the system generates image thumbnails on the disk when a resized version of an image is displayed. This option only applies if files are stored in the file system.

Files folder

The folder on the disk where page attachments and metafiles are stored. You can use:

  • physical disk path: e.g. c:\myfiles\
  • virtual path: ~/UploadedFiles
  • UNC path: \\server\folder

If you do not specify any value, the files are stored in the default folder: ~/<site code name>/files

Attachments of pages under workflow (i.e., attachment histories) are stored in the ~/App_Data/VersionHistory/Attachments folder regardless of the Files folder setting.

Note: When you change the file folder location, the system does NOT automatically move existing files to the new location. You need to manually move the files to the new location in the file system.

Use site-specific subfolders for custom files folder

This setting is only applied when a Custom form files folder is configured. If enabled, attachment files will be stored in a sub-folder named according to the code name of the site where the form is placed, i.e. <custom form files folder>/<site code name>. It is useful for better orientation in files when multiple sites are running in the system.

Custom form files folder

Folder where files uploaded via Forms are stored. You can use:

  • physical disk path: e.g. c:\myfiles\mysite
  • virtual path: ~/UploadedFiles
  • UNC path: \\server\folder

If you do not specify any value, form files are stored in the default folder: ~/<site code name>/FormFile

Note: When you change the form file folder location, the system does NOT automatically move existing files to the new location. You need to manually move the files to the new location in the file system.

Use site-specific subfolders for custom form files folder

This setting is only applied when a Custom form files folder is configured. If enabled, attachment files will be stored in a sub-folder named as the site code name under the custom files folder, i.e. <custom form files folder>/<site code name>. It is useful for better orientation in files when multiple sites are running in the system.


Upload extensions

Specifies which extensions are allowed for uploaded files (e.g., for media libraries or page attachments). You can restrict the types of uploaded files by entering a limited list of extensions separated by semicolons, for example: gif;jpg;webp;docx;pdf

This allows you to block users from uploading potentially dangerous files. If no value is specified, uploading is allowed for all file types.

Check if files are published

If checked, only files that are in the Published workflow step can be accessed from the live site when a workflow is applied to the page.

Check attachments permissions

If selected, page permissions (access rights) defined for a page are also checked for its attachments and applied whenever a user requests the attachment.

Behavior of this setting depends also on the Check page-level permissions setting in the Security & Membership -> Content section.

Enable image file request protection

Enables additional hash protection for image file requests with a specified width, height, maxsidesize parameters. Requests without a valid hash will return the image with default dimensions.

See Image file request protection for more information.

Image resizing

Automatic image resize on upload (width, height, max side size)

Configures the system to automatically reduce the size of images when they are uploaded. The values are measured in pixels. The behavior depends on the values that you fill in:

  • No values are entered – images are not resized.
  • Only width or only height– images are resized so that their width or height matches the entered value. The other dimension is also resized to preserve the image’s aspect ratio.
  • Both width and height – both dimensions of images are resized according to the specified values (if the given dimension is greater than the entered value). Aspect ratio is not preserved.
  • Max side size– if one of the image’s sides is larger than this value, the image is resized so that its larger side’s dimension matches the entered value. Aspect ratio is preserved and width and height settings are not applied.

See Resizing images on upload for more information.