Setting up widget dashboards

Widget dashboards are sections of the administration interface that individual users can customize. Typically, users personalize their dashboards to contain frequently used tools or sources of information. The dashboard then serves as an overview that users can easily access without navigating through the administration interface.


Widget dashboards are a completely separate feature from the system’s main application dashboard. Every widget dashboard is either a standalone application, or a page within another application.

Dashboard widgets are also unrelated to page builder widgets, which can be developed and added to the content of website pages.

Example of a widget dashboard

The content and structure of widget dashboards is based on page templates. The template designates:

  • The parts of the dashboard that are always present and cannot be changed by users
  • Customizable areas (zones) and their default content

Users place content onto dashboards using widgets. The widget content is distinct for every user. Most dashboards also have unique content for each site.

By default, the system provides the following widget dashboard applications and pages:

  • My desk
  • System overview (content shared for all sites)
  • Store overview
  • Store reports -> Dashboard
  • Marketing overview
  • Web analytics -> Dashboard

If required, you can create your own widget dashboard applications or pages anywhere in the administration interface (see Adding widget dashboards to the interface).