Installing plugins to the editor for rich text fields

Important: The ‘Paste from Word’ functionality in CKEditor is no longer supported using the built-in button. The ‘Paste from Word’ functionality is only available using keyboard shortcuts ctrl/cmd + v.

The editor for rich text fields in Xperience 13 is implemented using CKEditor version 4.25.0.

If you wish to add custom functionality to the editor, you can install CKEditor plugins. Either search for existing plugins at or develop your own plugins.

Important: Xperience does not guarantee compatibility with third-party CKEditor plugins that are not included in the default installation. Some plugins may not work correctly within the Xperience administration interface.

Use the following process to add plugins to the Xperience CKEditor:

  1. Copy the plugin’s main directory into the CMS\CMSAdminControls\CKeditor\plugins folder of your Xperience project.

  2. Edit the config.js file in the CMS\CMSAdminControls\CKeditor folder.

  3. Use the following configuration to add plugins. The values added to config.plugins must match the names of the corresponding plugin folders.

     CKEDITOR.editorConfig = function (config) {
         /* Custom plugins */
         config.plugins += ',codemirror,youtube,templates';


    • The standard setting for adding CKEditor plugins (config.ExtraPlugins) cannot be used, because it is overridden by the Xperience implementation. You need to directly add plugins to the config.plugins value instead.
    • Notice the comma at the start of the config.plugins value.
  4. If the plugin uses additional buttons on the editor toolbar, you need to add them to the toolbar sets defined in config.js.

  5. Add any additional config.js configuration settings required by the plugin.

  6. Check the plugin’s dependencies and install any required plugins or components.

  7. Clear your browser’s cache and test the editor functionality in your browser.

The installed plugin should now be available for all users working with the editor in Xperience (each user must clear their own browser’s cache).