Customizing the Form widget

This page describes how you can customize the markup of forms rendered using the Form page builder widget. The page is divided into the following sections:

  • Customizing the HTML markup of rendered forms – describes how to set static, site-wide rendering configurations used when forms or form fields are rendered.
  • Contextually modifying form markup – introduces events that you can handle to dynamically modify markup when forms or individual form fields are rendered (based on the current context, such as the field type, properties, or form name).
  • Examples – provides a set of sample form customization use cases.

Tip: If you only need to add custom content wrapped around the default form markup, you can use widget nesting and create an extended form widget. To learn more, see Extending widgets.

Customizing the HTML markup of rendered forms

Form markup

Forms rendered using the Form widget are by default wrapped by an empty ‘div’ block element. You can customize the markup of forms rendered using the widget by setting the static FormWidgetRenderingConfiguration.Default property. 

The FormWidgetRenderingConfiguration type exposes a group of properties you can configure to customize the markup surrounding the form, as well as the HTML attributes of the form’s Submit button and form HTML element.






Specifies the HTML element (and its attributes) wrapping the entire form. If null, no wrapping element is rendered for forms. 


IDictionary<string, object>

Specifies HTML attributes applied to the form HTML element.

Setting the id attribute of forms

You can use this property to set the id attribute of the form element, which is by default randomly generated. However, note that this sets the identical id for ALL form widget instances. As a result, you can place no more than one form via the Form widget per page. 


IDictionary<string, object>

Specifies HTML attributes applied to the submit button.

FormWrapperConfiguration is of the FormWrapperRenderingConfiguration type, which holds information about HTML elements wrapping each form. It exposes the following properties:






The name of the HTML element wrapping the form.


IDictionary<string, object>

A dictionary of ElementName’s attributes.



May hold additional ElementRenderingConfigurations. Use this property when you wish to nest multiple wrapping elements.



Adds custom HTML content before or after the form wrapper. The HTML string needs to contain the FormWrapperRenderingConfiguration.CONTENT_PLACEHOLDER constant to mark where you wish to render the form wrapper and the body of the form. See CONTENT_PLACEHOLDER usage for an example.

Note: Content of the CustomHtmlEnvelopeString is only rendered once per page load. The form wrapper elements and form body may be rendered repeatedly, for example when form validation fails or when processing field visibility conditions.

For illustration, the following pseudocode shows the configurable HTML structure of each form:


Form field markup

By default, each form field section contains placeholder ‘div’ block elements. You can customize the wrapping HTML markup and the attributes of each form field by modifying the FormFieldRenderingConfiguration.Widgetproperty.

FormFieldRenderingConfiguration exposes a collection of properties you can configure to alter the HTML markup of the rendered form, its form fields, and each field’s subsections, such as label or explanation text:






Specifies the HTML element (and its attributes) wrapping the label and corresponding input element. If null, no wrapping element is rendered for the given form field.



Specifies the HTML element (and its attributes) wrapping the labelelement.


IDictionary<string, object>

Specifies HTML attributes applied to the labelelement.



Indicates whether a colon ‘:’ character is rendered after the text of the label element. Set to true by default.



Specifies the HTML element (and its attributes) wrapping the field’s input, validation message, and explanation text. If null, no wrapping HTML element is rendered.


IDictionary<string, object>

Specifies HTML attributes applied to the field’s inputelement.



Specifies the HTML element (and its attributes) wrapping the field’s input element.



Specifies the HTML element (and its attributes) wrapping the explanation text – a short message usually rendered under the input fields – of the component. If null, no wrapping HTML element is rendered.



Indicates whether validation messages are rendered individually for each form field.

Some properties of FormWidgetRenderingConfiguration and FormFieldRenderingConfiguration are of the ElementRenderingConfiguration type, which is used to specify the wrapping HTML element. ElementRenderingConfiguration exposes the following properties:






The name of the HTML element wrapping the given form field component.


IDictionary<string, object>

Contains ElementName’s attributes.



May hold additional ElementRenderingConfigurations. Use this property to nest multiple wrapping elements for a given form field section.



Sets custom HTML markup instead of the corresponding ElementRenderingConfiguration. The HTML string needs to contain ElementRenderingConfiguration.CONTENT_PLACEHOLDER to mark where you wish to render the remaining sub-elements within the given wrapping element. See CONTENT_PLACEHOLDER usage for an example.

Note: If the CustomHtml property is set, the system disregardsthe element and HTML attributes specified in ElementName and HtmlAttributeand renders the value of this property as raw HTML instead. Moreover, further nesting of additional configurations via ChildConfiguration becomes disabled.

For illustration, the following pseudocode shows the configurable structure of individual form fields:

            <EXPLANATION TEXT>

Contextually modifying form markup

In addition to setting the global rendering configuration, you can modify forms and form fields as they are being rendered. This allows you to adjust the resulting markup (accessibility or data attributes, CSS classes, etc.) based on contextual information. For example, you can adjust form markup based on the properties of specific fields or the name of the form. The system provides the following two events that fire when forms or form fields are rendered:


Namespace: Kentico.Forms.Web.Mvc.Widgets

Fired when a form inserted via the Form widget is rendered. The GetFormWidgetRenderingConfigurationEventArgs event arguments allow you to access or modify:


Type (and select properties)




The rendering configuration of the form. See Form markup for a detailed description of the FormWidgetRenderingConfiguration type.



  • Form
  • FormName
  • FormDisplayName

The system object representing the form. 



Contains a collection of form fields being rendered on this request. This collection can change when rendering forms containing smart fields and upon visibility condition re-evaluation.



Contains the properties of the current Form widget instance.

See Adding contextual markup to forms for an example.


Namespace: Kentico.Forms.Web.Mvc

Fired whenever a form field is being rendered (on the live site or when viewing pages in the Pages application). The GetFormFieldRenderingConfigurationEventArgs event arguments allow you to access or modify:


Type (and select properties)




The rendering configuration of the form field. See Form field markup for a detailed description of the FormFieldRenderingConfiguration type.



  • BaseProperties
  • Definition

Allows you to access type and configuration information of the rendered form component.

BaseProperties holds the component’s properties, such as the field’s required status, label, and explanation text, as configured via the Form builder’s properties panel or programmatically using editing attributes.

Definition holds information under which the corresponding form component was registered into the system, such as its identifiername, or description.

To access contextual information about the form field, use GetBizFormComponentContext:

BizFormComponentContext context = e.FormComponent.GetBizFormComponentContext();

You can access the code and display names, as well as other system data of the form containing the currently processed form field via BizFormComponentContext.FormInfo.

See Adding contextual markup to form fields for an example.


This section contains a set of examples demonstrating usage of the form customization API:

Setting global rendering configurations

We recommend setting the rendering configurations during the live site project’s startup. For example, within the initialization code of a custom module:

using Kentico.Forms.Web.Mvc;
using Kentico.Forms.Web.Mvc.Widgets;

namespace FormBuilderCustomizations
    public class FormBuilderStaticMarkupConfiguration
        public static void SetGlobalRenderingConfigurations()
            // Modifies the default FormFieldRenderingConfiguration for the 'Form' widget
            // Specifying a new FormFieldRenderingConfiguration instance completely replaces the default Kentico configuration
            FormFieldRenderingConfiguration.Widget.RootConfiguration =
                 new ElementRenderingConfiguration
                     ElementName = "div",
                     HtmlAttributes = { { "class", "form-field" } }

            FormFieldRenderingConfiguration.Widget.ExplanationTextWrapperConfiguration =
                 new ElementRenderingConfiguration
                     ElementName = "div",
                     HtmlAttributes = { { "class", "explanation-text" } }

            // Sets a new rendering configuration for the 'Form' widget, adding attributes
            // to the form element and the submit button and wrapping the form in two 'div' blocks
            FormWidgetRenderingConfiguration.Default = new FormWidgetRenderingConfiguration
                // Form element HTML attributes
                FormHtmlAttributes = { { "formattribute", "attributevalue" } },

                // Submit button HTML attributes
                SubmitButtonHtmlAttributes = { { "class", "submit-button" } },

                // Elements wrapping the Form element
                FormWrapperConfiguration = new FormWrapperRenderingConfiguration
                    ElementName = "div",
                    HtmlAttributes = { { "class", "form-widget-form" } },
                    // Adds an additional div element wrapper
                    ChildConfiguration = new ElementRenderingConfiguration
                        ElementName = "div"

Call the SetGlobalRenderingConfigurations method on application start. For example, as part of custom module initialization code. Forms displayed via the Form widget are now rendered using the modified rendering configurations.


The CONTENT_PLACEHOLDER property, part of FormFieldRenderingConfiguration and FormWrapperRenderingConfiguration, acts as a marker that tells the system where to render the inner HTML markup in case CustomHtml (or CustomHtmlEnvelopeString) is set as part of the configuration.

For example, modifying FormFieldRenderingConfiguration in the following manner:

FormFieldRenderingConfiguration.Widget.EditorWrapperConfiguration.CustomHtml =
                MvcHtmlString.Create($"<div data-customhtml=\"Replacing EditorWrapperConfiguration\">{ElementRenderingConfiguration.CONTENT_PLACEHOLDER}</div>");

Results in this HTML structure for form fields:

    // Any existing 'EditorWrapperConfiguration' is discarded and its markup gets replaced
    // CONTENT_PLACEHOLDER indicates where the inner markup is placed - wrapped by a 'div' element in this case.
    <div data-customhtml="Replacing EditorWrapperConfiguration">
            <EXPLANATION TEXT>

Adding contextual markup to forms

The following example uses the FormWidgetRenderingConfiguration.GetConfiguration event to:

  • Render the display name of the form above the form element using CustomHtmlEnvelopeString.
  • Contextually assign additional attributes only to the ContactUs form’s Submit button.

Register a new FormWidgetInjectMarkup handler for the FormWidgetRenderingConfiguration.GetConfiguration.Execute event:

using System;
using System.Web.Mvc;

using Kentico.Forms.Web.Mvc.Widgets;

namespace FormBuilderCustomizations
    public class FormWidgetMarkupInjection

        public static void RegisterEventHandlers()
            FormWidgetRenderingConfiguration.GetConfiguration.Execute += FormWidgetInjectMarkup;

        private static void FormWidgetInjectMarkup(object sender, GetFormWidgetRenderingConfigurationEventArgs e)
            e.Configuration.FormWrapperConfiguration = new FormWrapperRenderingConfiguration
                // Renders the form's display name above the form using the 'CustomHtmlEnvelope' property
                // FormWrapperRenderingConfiguration.CONTENT_PLACEHOLDER acts as a placeholder for the form's body in the resulting markup
                CustomHtmlEnvelope = MvcHtmlString.Create($@"<h1>{e.Form.FormDisplayName}</h1> {FormWrapperRenderingConfiguration.CONTENT_PLACEHOLDER}")

            // Sets additional attributes only for specific forms. Since the 'class' attribute is fairly
            // common, checks if the key is already present and inserts or appends the key accordingly.
            if (e.Form.FormName.Equals("ContactUs", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                if (e.Configuration.SubmitButtonHtmlAttributes.ContainsKey("class"))
                    e.Configuration.SubmitButtonHtmlAttributes["class"] += " contactus-submit-button";
                    e.Configuration.SubmitButtonHtmlAttributes["class"] = "contactus-submit-button";

Call the RegisterEventHandlers method on application start. For example, as part of custom module initialization code.

Adding contextual markup to form fields

The following example uses the FormFieldRenderingConfiguration.GetConfiguration event to:

  • Add the semantic aria-required WAI-ARIA and required HTML5 attributes to form fields marked as Required via the form builder properties panel, and append a red asterisk after the field’s label using CSS.
  • Assigns additional attributes to TextArea fields, provided the form contains any.
  • Adds additional attributes to fields that are part of the ContactUs form.

Register a new KenticoComponentMarkupInjection handler for the FormFieldRenderingConfiguration.GetConfiguration.Executeevent:

using System;

using Kentico.Forms.Web.Mvc;

namespace FormBuilderCustomizations
    public class FormFieldMarkupInjection
        public static void RegisterEventHandlers()
            // Contextually customizes the markup of rendered form fields
            FormFieldRenderingConfiguration.GetConfiguration.Execute += InjectMarkupIntoKenticoComponents;

        private static void InjectMarkupIntoKenticoComponents(object sender, GetFormFieldRenderingConfigurationEventArgs e)
            // Only injects additional markup into default Kentico form components
            if (!e.FormComponent.Definition.Identifier.StartsWith("Kentico", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))

            // Adds WAI-ARIA and HTML5 accessibility attributes to form fields marked as 'Required' via the Form builder interface

            // Assigns additional attributes to 'TextArea' fields

            // Assigns additional attributes to fields rendered as part of a specified form

        private static void AddAccessibilityAttributes(GetFormFieldRenderingConfigurationEventArgs e)
            if (e.FormComponent.BaseProperties.Required)
                // Adds the 'aria-required' and 'required' attributes to the component's 'input' element
                e.Configuration.EditorHtmlAttributes["aria-required"] = "true";
                e.Configuration.EditorHtmlAttributes["required"] = "";

                // Appends an asterisk to the component's 'Label' element. Since the class attribute is fairly
                // common, checks if the key is already present and inserts or appends the key accordingly.
                if (e.Configuration.LabelHtmlAttributes.ContainsKey("class"))
                    e.Configuration.LabelHtmlAttributes["class"] += " required-field-red-star";
                    e.Configuration.LabelHtmlAttributes["class"] = "required-field-red-star";

        private static void AddFieldSpecificMarkup(GetFormFieldRenderingConfigurationEventArgs e)
            // Sets a custom CSS class for the wrapping element of 'TextAreaComponent' type form fields
            if (e.FormComponent is TextAreaComponent)
                if (e.Configuration.RootConfiguration.HtmlAttributes.ContainsKey("class"))
                    e.Configuration.RootConfiguration.HtmlAttributes["class"] += " text-area-styles";
                    e.Configuration.RootConfiguration.HtmlAttributes["class"] = "text-area-styles";

        private static void AddFormSpecificMarkup(GetFormFieldRenderingConfigurationEventArgs e)
            // Gets the context of the Form for which the field is being rendered
            BizFormComponentContext context = e.FormComponent.GetBizFormComponentContext();

            // Modifies only form fields rendered as part of the 'ContactUs' form
            if (context.FormInfo.FormName.Equals("ContactUs", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                e.Configuration.ColonAfterLabel = false;
                e.Configuration.EditorHtmlAttributes["data-formname"] = context.FormInfo.FormDisplayName;

Add the required-field-red-star class that renders a red asterisk after a required field’s label to your site’s CSS:

.required-field-red-star::after {
    content: "*";
    color: red;

Call the RegisterEventHandlers method on application start. For example, as part of custom module initialization code.