Settings - Content management

You can access these settings in the Settings application under the Content -> Content management category.


New page order

Specifies the default order used when inserting new pages. Possible values are:

  • First – new pages are added to the first position on the given level of the content tree.
  • Last – pages are added to the end of the given content tree level.
  • Alphabetical – pages are inserted to the appropriate alphabetical position based on their name.

Prompt to save changes on exit

If enabled, users are notified when leaving a modified page in editing mode with unsaved changes.

Allow global categories

Indicates if the use of global categories, i.e. categories shared across all websites in the system, should be enabled for the website selected in the Site drop-down list (or for all websites that inherit the setting if (global) is selected in the drop-down list).

Automatically update page alias

If selected, the alias of a page is automatically updated to match any changes in the name of the given page in the default culture. Also, the page alias property will not be editable manually.

CSS stylesheet for WYSIWYG editor

Specifies a CSS stylesheet, which is applied to the content of rich text fields edited using the WYSIWYG editor.

Enter the stylesheet’s absolute URL or virtual path. For example:

  • ~/styles/stylesheet.css

If a virtual path is used, the system resolves the URL based on the Presentation URL of your live site (the CSS file must be located within the live site project files).

Content management UI

Check page permissions

If enabled, the system filters the content tree (in the Pages application in Edit and Listing modes and in various dialogs where the content tree is displayed) to only include pages for which the current user has the Read permission.

In case a user does not have the Read permissions for any page at all, a message is displayed instead of the content tree, informing the user they are not authorized to access any page. If a user has the Read permission for a child page but not for its parent, the child page is not displayed.

Max tree nodes

The maximum number of pages that will be displayed under an unfolded page in the tree view. If the number of pages exceeds the maximum number, a link that takes you to the page list is displayed after the allowed number of records.

Display linked icon

Display not translated icon

Display published icon

Display version not published icon

Display not published icon

Display archived icon

Display checked out icon

These settings indicate if special icons should be displayed in the content tree next to pages under the specified conditions.

Learn more about the icons in Configuring page status icons.


Send workflow emails

Indicates if the workflow email notification should be sent.

Send workflow emails from

Email address of the workflow email sender. You can also use the Someone<> format.

Use automatic version numbering

If you use workflow without content locking, automatic version numbering will be used by default.

Use check-in/check-out

Indicates if content locking (check-in/check-out) should be used with page types that use versioning. Content locking allows content editors to lock the page for editing so that the other editors cannot modify the page at the same time.

Version history length

Sets the maximum number of versions that the system stores in the page history. If the number of versions exceeds the specified value, the oldest version is deleted.

Note: If you set the value to a lower number, the system automatically clears the current version history for all pages according to the new limit.

Allow permanent preview links

Indicates if page preview links remain usable even if the page workflow cycle is restarted (when pages in Published/Archived workflow step are switched to the Edit step). If disabled, new preview links are generated in this situation and the original ones are no longer usable.