Integrating newsletters into your site

To integrate newsletter functionality into your website, place the following web parts onto pages:

Web part


Newsletter subscription

Displays a dialog that allows website visitors to subscribe to newsletters.

Custom subscription form

Provides a newsletter subscription form like the Newsletter subscription web part, but with the option of using a different layout and appearance.

You need to define the customized subscription form as an alternative form:

  1. Open the Modules application.
  2. Edit the Newsletters module.
  3. Select the Classes tab and edit the Newsletter - Subscriber class.
  4. Create the form on the Alternative forms tab.

Newsletter unsubscription

Unsubscribes users from a newsletter and displays a confirmation message. Users are typically directed to the page containing this web part through the “Unsubscribe” link in newsletter issues. The web part reads the exact newsletter and subscriber from parameters passed in the query string of the URL.

Newsletter archive

Displays archived issues of a specified email campaign to authenticated users.

Unsubscription request

This web part allows newsletter subscribers to request an unsubscription e-mail by submitting their e-mail address.

  • The content of the e-mail is based on theNewsletters - Unsubscription request e‑mail template. You can edit the template in the E-mail templates application.
  • The unsubscription link in the sent e‑mail is only valid for the amount of hours specified in Settings -> On‑line marketing -> Newsletters -> Double‑opt in interval.

My subscriptions

This web part can be used by users to add or remove their newsletter subscriptions.

My account

If configured to display newsletter subscriptions, this web part can be used by users to add or remove their subscriptions.

Subscription approval

Approves subscriptions to newsletters with double opt-in enabled and displays a confirmation message. Subscribers are typically directed to the page containing this web part through a link in the double opt-in activation e-mail. An identifier of the exact subscription is read from a parameter passed in the query string of the URL.