Creating custom binding classes

Binding classes represent relationships between other classes. Add a binding class to your custom modules if you need to store M:N relationships between a custom class and another class in the system (custom or default). For example, bindings allow you to assign objects to sites, users, etc.

Adding binding classes

You can create two types of binding classes:

Note: If you create a binding class between classes of the same type, you cannot use the default Edit bindings page template and the portal engine to build a binding management interface.

Primary key with identity

Use the following steps to create a binding class with a dedicated identity column:

  1. Open the Modules application and edit the custom module where you want to create the binding class.

  2. Select the Classes tab and click New class.

  3. Fill in the Class display name and Class identifier.

  4. Click Next.

  5. Confirm or change the Primary key name of the identity column.

    Important: Leave the Is M:N table option disabled.

  6. Click Next.

  7. Leave the default primary key field. Click New field to create two or more standard fields for storing the IDs of the related objects:

    • Field type: Standard field
    • (General) Field type: Integer number
    • Required: yes (checked)
    • Reference to: select the appropriate class
    • Reference type: Binding
    • Display field in the editing form: no (not checked)
  8. Click Save for each field and then Next.

  9. Click Finish.

The system creates the corresponding table in the database. Perform the following steps to prepare the class’s code and finalize the database table:

  1. Select the Code tab in the editing interface of the binding class.

  2. Click Save code. The system generates an Info and InfoProvider class for the binding object.

  3. Edit the Info class (for example in Visual Studio).

  4. Expand the Type information region.

  5. Add the IsBinding property to the initializer of the new ObjectTypeInfo object and set the value to true. See Setting the TypeInfo for binding classes for details.

    Note: On web application installations, you need to manually include the Info and InfoProvider class files into the CMSApp_AppCode project and build the solution.

  6. Manually set the class’s ID fields as foreign keys in your database. See Create Foreign Key Relationships for more information.

The binding class is now ready. You can create relationships between objects using the API or prepare a user interface for this purpose. See the Example section to learn more.

Compound primary key

Use the following steps to create a binding class without its own identity column:

  1. Open the Modules application and edit the custom module where you want to create the binding class.

  2. Select the Classes tab and click New class.

  3. Fill in the Class display name and Class identifier.

  4. Click Next.

  5. Enter the Primary key name. We recommend using the name of the identifier column of the first class in the relationship.

  6. Enable Is M:N table.

  7. Click Next.

  8. Set the following options for the default primary key field:

    • Reference to: select the first class in the relationship
    • Reference type: Binding
  9. Click New field to create one or more additional fields for storing the IDs of the related objects:

    • Field type: Primary key (use the Primary key field type for all of the ID fields in Kentico — the result in the database is a compound primary key)
    • (General) Field type: Integer number
    • Required: yes (checked)
    • Reference to: select the appropriate class
    • Reference type: Binding
    • Display field in the editing form: no (not checked)
  10. Click Save for each field and then Next.

  11. Click Finish.

The system creates the corresponding table in the database. Perform the following steps to prepare the class’s code and finalize the database table:

  1. Select the Code tab in the editing interface of the binding class.

  2. Click Save code. The system generates an Info and InfoProvider class for the binding object.

  3. Edit the Info class (for example in Visual Studio).

  4. Expand the Type information region.

  5. Set the idColumn parameter to null in the ObjectTypeInfo constructor (the fourth parameter).

  6. Add the IsBinding property to the initializer of the new ObjectTypeInfo object and set the value to true. See Setting the TypeInfo for binding classes for details.

    Note: On web application installations, you need to manually include the Info and InfoProvider class files into the CMSApp_AppCode project and build the solution.

  7. Manually set the class’s ID fields as foreign keys in your database. See Create Foreign Key Relationships for more information.

The binding class is now ready. You can create relationships between objects using the API or prepare a user interface for this purpose. See the Example section to learn more.

Setting the TypeInfo for binding classes

The TypeInfo is code that defines the general behavior and basic properties of classes in Kentico. You can configure the TypeInfo inside the Info class of a given Kentico class using an object of the ObjectTypeInfo type.

See the sections below to learn how to set the TypeInfo for binding classes.

Note: When you generate the Info class from the interface of the Modules application and have the fields set correctly for the binding class, the system configures most of the TypeInfo automatically.

Parameters of the ObjectTypeInfo constructor:

  • idColumn (4) - the name of the identity column of the binding class. Must be null for binding classes that do not have a dedicated identity column (with a compound primary key).
  • siteIDColumn (10) - for bindings to site objects, must contain the name of the class column that stores the ID of the related site. Set to null for bindings between non-site objects.
  • parentID (11) - the name of the column that stores the ID of the first class in the relationship.
  • parentObjectType (12) - the object type name of the first class in the relationship. You can get the value from the OBJECT_TYPE constant in the given class’s Info class.

Properties in the ObjectTypeInfo initializer:

  • ModuleName - the code name of the module that contains the binding class.
  • IsBinding - always set to true* for binding classes*.**
  • DependsOn - List of ObjectDependency objects representing the classes in the relationship. Add an ObjectDependency for each class in the relationship except for the one specified via the parent parameters in the constructor. Not required for site bindings.
// Sample TypeInfo definition for a general binding class
// Relationship between custom offices and roles
public static ObjectTypeInfo TYPEINFO = new ObjectTypeInfo(typeof(OfficeRoleInfoProvider), OBJECT_TYPE, "CompanyOverview.OfficeRole", "OfficeRoleID", null, null, null, null, null, null, "OfficeID", "")
    ModuleName = "CompanyOverview",
    IsBinding = true,
    DependsOn = new List<ObjectDependency>()
        new ObjectDependency("RoleID", "cms.role", ObjectDependencyEnum.Binding),

// Sample TypeInfo definition for a site binding class
// Relationship between custom offices and sites
public static ObjectTypeInfo TYPEINFO = new ObjectTypeInfo(typeof(OfficeSiteInfoProvider), OBJECT_TYPE, "CompanyOverview.OfficeSite", "OfficeSiteID", null, null, null, null, null, "SiteID", "OfficeID", "")
    ModuleName = "CompanyOverview",
    IsBinding = true

Example - Creating a binding class

The following example demonstrates how to create a binding class, including an editing interface. The sample binding class allows the creation of relationships between offices and users. Each relationship indicates that a user is a manager of a given office.

To follow the example, you first need to create the Company overview custom module according to the instructions in Creating custom modules.

Preparing the binding class

  1. Open the Modules application and edit the Company overview module.

  2. Select the Classes tab and click New class.

  3. Fill in the class names:

    • Class display name: Office manager binding
    • Class: OfficeUser
  4. Click Next.

  5. In step 2, leave the default values and click Next.

  6. Create two fields for storing the IDs of the related offices and users. Click New field, set the properties, and click Save for each field:

    • Field type: Standard field
    • Field name: OfficeID
    • (General) Field type: Integer number
    • Required: yes (checked)
    • Reference to: Custom office
    • Reference type: Binding
    • Display field in the editing form: no (not checked)
    • Field type: Standard field
    • Field name: UserID
    • (General) Field type: Integer number
    • Required: yes (checked)
    • Reference to: User
    • Reference type: Binding
    • Display field in the editing form: no (not checked)
  7. Click Next.

  8. Click Finish.

Generate the code required for the binding class’s API (including the TypeInfo):

  1. Select the Code tab in the editing interface of the Office manager binding class.

  2. Click Save code. The system generates an Info and InfoProvider class for the binding object in the ~/App_Code/CMSModules/CompanyOverview folder.

  3. Open your web project in Visual Studio and edit OfficeUserInfo.cs.

    Note: On web application installations, the system generates the files in the Old_App_Code folder. You need to manually include the files into the CMSApp_AppCode project and build the solution.

  4. Expand the Type information region.

  5. Add the IsBinding property to the initializer of the new ObjectTypeInfo object and set the value to true:

    public static ObjectTypeInfo TYPEINFO = new ObjectTypeInfo(typeof(OfficeUserInfoProvider), OBJECT_TYPE, "CompanyOverview.OfficeUser", "OfficeUserID", null, null, null, null, null, null, "OfficeID", "")
        ModuleName = "CompanyOverview",
        IsBinding = true,
        DependsOn = new List<ObjectDependency>()
            new ObjectDependency("UserID", "cms.user", ObjectDependencyEnum.Binding),
  6. Save the change (build the project on web application installations).

Finally, create a resource string for displaying the binding class’s object type name:

  1. In the Kentico administration interface, open the Localization application.
  2. On the Resource strings tab, click New string.
  3. Enter the following Key: ObjectType.CompanyOverview_OfficeUser (the general format is ObjectType.<class code name with an underscore>)
  4. Type the following text for the English version of the key: Office manager binding
  5. Click Save.

The system uses the resource string in the administration interface, for example when selecting classes.

Creating foreign keys for the database table

You need to manually set the ID columns of your custom binding classes as foreign keys in the corresponding database table.

In this example, create foreign keys for the OfficeID and UserID columns in the CompanyOverview_OfficeUser table. Add relationships with the corresponding columns in the CompanyOverview_Office and CMS_User tables respectively.

You can either use SQL Server Management Studio or execute an SQL script. See Create Foreign Key Relationships for more information.

Building a binding management interface

The following steps show how to create a custom page in the administration interface that allows users to set relationships between objects:

  1. In the Modules application, edit the Company overview module.
  2. Select the User interface tab.
  3. Expand the CMS -> Administration -> Custom element in the UI element tree.

Adding tabs to the office editing interface:

  1. Select Company overview in the UI element tree.

  2. Click New element ().

  3. Set the following properties for the element:

    • Display name: Edit office tabs
    • Code name: EditOfficeTabs (Important: The code name of elements for editing objects under listings must always start with the Edit keyword)
    • Module: Company overview
    • Page template: Vertical tabs
  4. Click Save.

  5. Switch to the Properties tab, expand the Breadcrumbs section and enable Display breadcrumbs.

  6. Click Save.

Moving the original office editing element under the tabs:

  1. Select the Edit office element (from the example in Creating custom modules).
  2. Change the element’s names and move it under the new tabs element:
    • Display name: General
    • Code name: GeneralEditOffice
    • Parent element: Edit office tabs
  3. Click Save.
  4. Open the Properties tab and disable Display breadcrumbs (if necessary).
  5. Click Save.

Adding the binding management element:

  1. Select the Edit office tabs element in the tree.

  2. Click New element ().

  3. Set the following properties for the element:

    • Display name: Managers
    • Code name: ManagersEditOffice
    • Module: Company overview
    • Page template: Edit bindings
  4. Click Save.

  5. Switch to the Properties tab and set the following values in the Binding category:

    • Binding object type: Office manager binding

    • Target object type: User

    • Where condition: OfficeID = {% UIContext.ObjectID %}

      The following properties define the Office – User binding:

      • Object type - the first class in the relationship (in this case, the element inherits the Custom office object type from the parent elements)
      • Binding object type - the binding class itself (Office manager binding)
      • Target object type - the second class in the relationship (User in this case)The Where condition ensures that only the relationships of the currently edited office object are displayed.
  6. Click Save.

The binding editing interface is now ready.

Defining a UI element for binding management

If you open the Company overview application in the Custom category and edit an office, you can manage the office-user bindings on the Managers tab.

Editing the manager relationships between offices and users