Manually creating the interface for custom modules

When building the user interface for custom modules, you can either use the portal engine (as described in Creating custom modules) or develop pages manually as standard web forms.

With the manual approach of designing UI elements, you:

  • Cannot use the browser-based design interface and automatic features of the portal engine
  • Develop the interface in Visual Studio, which gives you full control over the content and logic of the pages

****Development approaches for custom user interface pages****

Before you start developing a user interface page that requires customization, carefully consider which of the following approaches best fits your needs:

  • Manual user interface pages that target a custom web form - recommended for pages that do not fit into the patterns of the default UI templates or require heavy customization.
  • Pages with portal engine templates and extenders - allows you to leverage the templates and automatic features of the portal engine and add custom code-behind logic. Suitable for pages that share a common pattern with other pages (for example object listing pages), but require one or more custom adjustments. See Creating extenders for module interface pages for more information about this approach.


The following example demonstrates how to manually create a listing page for the sample Company overview module. See Creating custom modules to learn how to add the module and its Office class.

Adding the UI element

Start by creating a UI element:

  1. Open the Modules application.
  2. Edit () the Company overview module.
  3. Switch to the User interface tab.
  4. Select the CMS -> Administration -> Custom element in the tree.
  5. Click New element ().
  6. Enter the following values:
    • Display name: Manual office list
    • Code name: ManualOfficeList
    • Module: Company overview
    • Element icon type: Class
    • Element icon CSS class: icon-app-localization
    • Type: URL
    • Target URL: ~/CMSModules/CompanyOverview/OfficeListing.aspx
  7. Click Save.

The system creates the new UI element. The position in the user interface tree under the CMS -> Administration -> (Category) section identifies the new element as an application.

Creating the web form

Next, you need to build a web form that serves the URL of the UI element:

  1. Open your project in Visual Studio (using the WebSite.sln or WebApp.sln file).
  2. Expand the CMSModules folder and add a new folder that matches the module’s code name (CompanyOverview for the sample module).
  3. Right-click the new folder and select Add -> Add New Item.
  4. Choose a Web Form and enable the Select master page option.
  5. For example, name the web form OfficeListing.aspx and click Add.
  6. Select the CMSMasterPages/UI/SimplePage.master master page.
  7. Set the Theme attribute to Default in the page declaration.
  8. Register and place the UniGrid control into the page’s content. See UniGrid to learn more.
<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="OfficeListing.aspx.cs" MasterPageFile="~/CMSMasterPages/UI/SimplePage.master" Inherits="CMSModules_CompanyOverview_OfficeListing" Theme="Default" %>

<%@ Register src="~/CMSAdminControls/UI/UniGrid/UniGrid.ascx" tagname="UniGrid" tagprefix="cms" %>
<%@ Register Namespace="CMS.UIControls.UniGridConfig" TagPrefix="ug" Assembly="CMS.UIControls" %>

<asp:Content runat="server" ContentPlaceHolderID="plcContent" ID="plcOfficeList">

    <cms:UniGrid ID="officeList" runat="server" ObjectType="CompanyOverview.Office">

        <ug:Action Name="edit" Caption="$General.Edit$" FontIconClass="icon-edit" FontIconStyle="allow" />
        <ug:Action Name="#delete" Caption="$General.Delete$" FontIconClass="icon-bin" FontIconStyle="critical" Confirmation="$General.ConfirmDelete$" />

        <ug:Column Source="OfficeDisplayName" Caption="Office name" Localize="true">
            <Filter Type="Text" Size="200" />
        <ug:Column Source="OfficeAddress" Caption="Address" Width="100%" />

      <GridOptions DisplayFilter="true" />



Edit the web form’s code behind:

  1. Make the class inherit from CMSPage.
  2. Add the UIElement attribute above the class declaration. The attribute binds the page to the correct module and UI element.
  3. Add any required code behind logic.
using CMS.UIControls;
using CMS.Helpers;
using CMS.ExtendedControls.ActionsConfig;

[UIElement("CompanyOverview", "ManualOfficeList")]
public partial class CMSModules_CompanyOverview_OfficeListing : CMSPage
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Creates and adds the "New office" button as a header action
        HeaderAction newOffice = new HeaderAction
                Text = GetString("New office"),
                RedirectUrl = "~/CMSModules/CompanyOverview/NewOffice.aspx"


        // Sets the URL for the edit action
        officeList.EditActionUrl = "~/CMSModules/CompanyOverview/EditOffice.aspx";

The sample code above:

  • Binds the page to the Company overview module and the UI element created in the previous section
  • Adds a New office header action and sets the URL of the edit button of the UniGrid (the new and edit pages are not implemented).

Users can access the page as a standard Kentico application. You can use a similar approach to add any required content or functionality to the Kentico administration interface.