Settings - Protection


Display account lock information message

Indicates if user friendly information about account lock should be displayed.

Enable Autocomplete

If true Autocompletefor user name text box in login form is enabled.

Bad words

Check bad words

Determines if bad word check should be performed.

Bad word replacement

Default replacement text which will be used during bad word check.

Bad word action

Default action which will be performed during bad words check.

Banned IPs

Enable banned IPs

Enables or disables banned IPs features.

Redirect banned IPs to URL

If the IP address is banned the user is redirected to this page.

Flood protection

Enable flood protection

Enables or disables flood protection, which prevents spam on forums and other community services.

Flood protection interval

Value in seconds which represent the minimal interval between user’s actions.

CAPTCHA settings

Control to use

Determines the default CAPTCHA control that should be used for CAPTCHA verification throughout the system – in web parts and for the Security code form control. The following four types of controls are available:

  • Logic CAPTCHA - requires answering a logical question.
  • Simple CAPTCHA - requires re-typing of a string displayed in an image.
  • Text CAPTCHA - requires re-typing of a string into multiple fields.
  • reCAPTCHA - requires re-typing of two words from which one is checked for correctness.

The behavior of these form controls throughout the system can be changed by modifying the settings of the individual controls.

reCAPTCHA private API key

Private key for the domain you want to use reCAPTCHA on. You can obtain the necessary API keys at

reCAPTCHA public API key

Public key for the domain you want to use reCAPTCHA on. You can obtain the necessary API keys at

Invalid logon attempts

Maximum invalid logon attempts

Maximum invalid logon attempts before user account is locked. If set to 0, invalid logon attempts functionality is disabled.

Send unlock account e-mail

Indicates if account unlock e-mail is sent when a user account is locked due to reaching maximum invalid logon attempts.

Unlock user account path

Path to custom page for unlocking user account (if not set, system page ~/CMSModules/Membership/CMSPages/UnlockUserAccount.aspx will be used).

Screen lock

Enable screen lock

Enables or disables screen lock feature, which locks the part of the browser with the Kentico administration interface.

Lock interval (minutes)

Time (in minutes) that has to pass before the screen is locked. This value has to be greater than 0 and lower than session timeout.

Warning interval (seconds)

Warning period (in seconds). Warning with countdown is shown for this number of seconds before the screen is locked.