Customizing XLIFF export for translations

By default, the XLIFF files exported by translation services use CDATA notation. You can turn CDATA off in exported XLIFF files by adding the CMSTranslationServicesUseCDATAForTransUnit key into your web.config file.

Example of an XLIFF file with CDATA notation

<xliff version="1.2">
  <file original="cms.document;25" source-language="en-US" target-language="fr-FR" datatype="htmlbody">

      <trans-unit id="newstitle">
        <source><![CDATA[Apple iPad Mini In Stock]]></source>
      <trans-unit id="newssummary">
        <source><![CDATA[Today, we have good news for all fans of the awesome Apple iPad. We are glad to announce that its new version, Apple iPad Mini, is available in our web shop. Furthermore, we keep our reasonable pricing policy, providing the lowest price currently available on the Web.]]></source>


Disabling CDATA in exported XLIFF files

  1. Edit your project’s web.config file.

  2. Add the CMSTranslationServicesUseCDATAForTransUnit key into the <appSettings> section of the file.

      <add key="CMSTranslationServicesUseCDATAForTransUnit" value="false" />
  3. Save the web.config file.

Now, whenever you submit a document for translation, the system exports it without the CDATA notation.

Example of an XLIFF file without CDATA notation

<xliff version="1.2">
  <file original="cms.document;25" source-language="en-US" target-language="fr-FR" datatype="htmlbody">

      <trans-unit id="newstitle">
        <source>Apple iPad Mini In Stock</source>
      <trans-unit id="newssummary">
        <source>Today, we have good news for all fans of the awesome Apple iPad. We are glad to announce that its new version, Apple iPad Mini, is available in our web shop. Furthermore, we keep our reasonable pricing policy, providing the lowest price currently available on the Web.</source>
