Caching in custom code

The Kentico API allows you to cache data in custom code. Call the CacheHelper.Cache method.

The following example shows the code behind of a custom user control that:

  • Loads user data from the Kentico database (with caching)
  • Displays the data using a BasicRepeater control
using System;
using System.Data;

using CMS.Helpers;
using CMS.Membership;

public partial class CachedUsers : System.Web.UI.Page
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Ensures loading and caching of data
        // Uses CacheSettings that cache the data for 10 minutes under the cache key "customdatasource|..."
        // Automatically checks whether the given key is already in the cache
        DataSet data = CacheHelper.Cache(cs => LoadUsers(cs), new CacheSettings(10, "customdatasource|" + UserBasicRepeater.ClientID));

        // Assigns the data to the BasicRepeater control
        UserBasicRepeater.DataSource = data;

    // Method that loads the required data
    // Called only if the data doesn't already exist in the cache
    private DataSet LoadUsers(CacheSettings cs)
        // Loads all user accounts from the database
        DataSet result = UserInfoProvider.GetUsers();

        // Checks whether the data should be cached (based on the CacheSettings)
        if (cs.Cached)
            // Sets a cache dependency for the data
            // The data is removed from the cache if the objects represented by the dummy key are modified (all user objects in this case)
            cs.CacheDependency = CacheHelper.GetCacheDependency("cms.user|all");

        return result;

The Cache method checks if the key specified by the CacheSettings object is in the cache:

  • If yes, the method directly loads the data from the cache.
  • If not, the code calls the custom private method (LoadUsers) with the CacheSettings as a parameter. The private method loads the data from the database, sets a cache dependency and saves the key into the cache for the specified number of minutes

You can use the caching API when handling data anywhere in your code.


If you do not need to access or set the CacheSettings in the method that loads the data, you can use a simplified version of the Cache method:

DataSet data = CacheHelper.Cache(LoadUsers, new CacheSettings(10, "customkey"));

private DataSet LoadUsers()


When calling the Cache method, you need to specify a CMS.Helpers.CacheSettings object as a parameter. The settings configure the cache key that stores the data. If you set the same cache key name for multiple data loading operations, they share the same cached value.

You can work with the following properties of the CacheSettings:

CacheSettings property





The number of minutes for which the cache stores the loaded data. The default value is 10 minutes.



Sets dependencies for the cache key (use the CacheHelper.GetCacheDependency method to get the dependency object).



A boolean condition that must be fulfilled (true) in order to cache the loaded data.



Indicates whether the data should be cached (based on the cache minutes and condition).



Enables or disabled progressive caching, which ensures that multiple threads accessing the same code only load the data once and reuse the result.