Managing objects using REST

To manage objects in Kentico using the REST service, send requests using the POST, PUT or DELETE HTTP method to the appropriate URL — append the resource paths described below to the base URL of your REST service.

The base URL of the REST service is <site domain name>/rest. For example, if your site is running at http://localhost/Kentico, use http://localhost/Kentico/rest as the base URL of the service.

Object resource paths start with an object type name. To find the value for specific object types, view the Code name of classes in the Modules application, or the ClassName column of the CMS_Class database table.

Important: Do NOT use object requests to create, update or delete the documents of Kentico websites. See Managing documents using REST for information about working with documents.

Creating objects

HTTP method: POST

Resource format:

  • /<object type> - creates a new object of the specified type.
  • /<object type>/currentsite - creates a new object of the specified type and assigns it to the website running on the domain in the base URL.
  • /<object type>/site/<site name> - creates a new object of the specified type and assigns it to the specified website.
  • /customtableitem.<custom table code name> - creates a new data record inside the specified custom table.
  • /bizformitem.bizform.<form code name> - creates a new data record inside the specified form.

Set the name and other fields of the new object in the data of the POST request. Both XML and JSON formats are supported for the data.


  • The service automatically sets the system fields of the new object (such as the ID and timestamp fields).
  • Creating multiple objects of the same type in a single request is not supported.
  • You can create child or binding objects along with the primary object. When using the XML format for the data of such requests, enclose the data into the <data> element to ensure valid syntax with a single root element.


Creates a new user with the Editor privilege level and an empty password. Assigns the user to the site running on the domain in the base URL.



URL: ~/rest/cms.user/currentsite


  <FullName>Content editor</FullName>

URL: ~/rest/cms.user/currentsite?format=json


"FullName":"Content editor",

Creates a new country object with a child state



URL: ~/rest/


    <CountryDisplayName>New country</CountryDisplayName>
    <StateDisplayName>New state</StateDisplayName>

URL: ~/rest/


"CountryDisplayName":"New country",
    "StateDisplayName":"New state",

Creates a document alias for the Home page of the sample Corporate site



URL: ~/rest/cms.documentalias/site/corporatesite



URL: ~/rest/cms.documentalias/site/corporatesite?format=json



Adds a new data record into the Sample table custom table



URL: ~/rest/customtableitem.customtable.sampletable


  <ItemText>Record added via REST</ItemText>

URL: **~/rest/customtableitem.customtable.sampletable?format=json


{"ItemText":"Record added via REST"}

Updating existing objects

HTTP method: PUT

Resource format:

  • /<object type>/<id or guid> -updates the object with the specified identifier (ID or GUID value).
  • /<object type>/<code name> - updates the object with the specified code name. For object types with site bindings, always updates the object assigned to the site running on the domain in the base URL.
  • /<object type>/site/<site name>/<code name> - updates the object with the specified code name on the specified website.
  • /<object type>/global/<code name> - updates the global object with the specified code name.
  • /customtableitem.<custom table code name>/<item id or guid> - updates the data record with the specified identifier (ID or GUID value) inside the given custom table.
  • /bizformitem.bizform.<form code name>/<item id or guid> - updates the data record with the specified identifier (ID or GUID value) inside the given form.

Update the values of the object’s fields using the data of the PUT request. Both XML and JSON formats are supported for the data. Updating multiple objects in a single request is not supported.


Updates the email address of the administrator user



URL: ~/rest/cms.user/administrator



URL: ~/rest/cms.user/administrator?format=json



Updates a data record of the sample Contact us form



URL: ~/rest/bizformitem.bizform.contactus/1


  <Message>Updated message</Message>

URL: ~/rest/bizformitem.bizform.contactus/1?format=json


  "Message":"Updated message"

Deleting objects


Resource format:

  • /<object type>/<id or guid> - deletes the object with the specified identifier (ID or GUID value).
  • /<object type>/<code name> - deletes the object with the specified code name. For object types with site bindings, always deletes the object assigned to the site running on the domain in the base URL.
  • /<object type>/site/<site name>/<code name> - deletes the object with the specified code name from the specified website.
  • /<object type>/global/<code name> - deletes the global object with the specified code name.
  • /customtableitem.<custom table code name>/<item id or guid> - deletes the data record with the specified identifier (ID or GUID value) from the given custom table.
  • /bizformitem.bizform.<form code name>/<item id or guid> - deletes the data record the specified identifier (ID or GUID value) from the given form.

URL examples:

  • ~/rest/cms.user/53
  • ~/rest/
  • ~/rest/
  • ~/rest/cms.emailtemplate/site/corporatesite/Blog.NotificationToModerators
  • ~/rest/customtableitem.customtable.SampleTable/5

Deleting multiple objects in a single request is not supported. You need to send a separate DELETE request for each object.