Adding and removing components from an installed Kentico web project
After you have installed Kentico web project using the Quick installation or the Custom installation, you can additionally modify its components using the Installer. You can add components which you did not install or you can remove components which you no longer need.
Adding and removing components after the installation
Run the Installer from Windows Start -> All programs -> Kentico 8.0 -> Kentico Installer 8.
On the home page of the Installer, click Modify.
Select the web project you want to modify.
- Either select an already registered project from the list or select any other folder containing a web project of Kentico 8 using the Select another button.
Select the components you want to install and clear the checkboxes for components you want to uninstall.
You can also additionally install Windows services or register performance counters or event logging.
Click Apply changes.
You can find more information about the Register performance counters for Health Monitoring and Install Windows services for Scheduler and Health Monitoring options in Installing Kentico (Questions and Answers).
The Installer now installs and uninstalls components according to your requirements.
Adding components to web application projects
If you use the installer to add components to a project of the web application type, you then need to open the project in Visual Studio and Rebuild the solution. Otherwise you may encounter errors when using the functionality of the added components.