Connecting web parts with the document wizard

The Document wizard is a set of web parts that allow you to guide users through a sequence of steps on the website. The wizard uses standard documents (pages) to define the content of steps. You can extend the logic of the wizard by customizing the code of the web parts placed onto the wizard steps, for example:

  • Define validation rules for web parts — conditions that must be fulfilled before users can move forward from steps containing the web part
  • Perform custom actions when moving between steps

To interact with the document wizard from the code of your web parts, override the methods listed below. The methods handle events that occur during the life cycle of each wizard step:

Wizard step event



Occurs when a user opens the step containing the web part.


Occurs after all web parts inside the given step’s content have finished the LoadStep event.


Allows you to define step validation requirements for the web part. The event occurs when:

  • a user moves to the next step by clicking the Document wizard button
  • the Document wizard step action web part automatically skips the step (if validation is enabled)

Note: Moving between steps via the Document wizard navigation web part does not trigger validation.


Occurs when moving to the next step after the validation is complete.


Occurs after all web parts in the given step’s content have finished the SaveStepData event.

The base handlers are defined in the CMSAbstractWebPart class, so you can override the document wizard event handlers in the code of any web part.

All of the event handlers provide the StepEventArgs parameter, which allows you to access the data of the current document wizard step.

Cancelling step transitions

You can interrupt transitions to the next wizard step based on custom conditions. Set the CancelEvent property of the StepEventArgs parameter during the ValidateStepData, SaveStepData or StepFinished events.

For example, add a custom validation condition into the ValidateStepData handler, and set the CancelEvent property to true if the validation fails.

e.CancelEvent = true;

Skipping steps

If you need to completely skip a document wizard step under certain conditions, set the Skip property of the StepEventArgs parameter to true in the LoadStep or StepLoaded handler.

e.Skip = true;

Example - Creating a form for wizard steps

The following example demonstrates how to create a customized version of the On-line form web part for use inside document wizard steps. The custom form:

  • Integrates validation of the form’s data into the validation of the wizard step
  • Saves the form’s data when the wizard moves to the next step

See also: Forms

Cloning the form web part

  1. Open the Web parts application.

  2. Select the Forms -> On-line form web part in the tree.

  3. Click Clone web part () and enter the following values:

    • New object display name: Wizard form
    • New object code name: WizardForm
    • Clone web part to category: Forms
    • Clone web part files: yes (checked)
    • Cloned web part file name: BizForms/WizardForm.ascx
  4. Click Clone.

The system creates a copy of the existing web part and its code files (ASCX and CS) using the specified names.

Modifying the web part code

  1. Open your web project in Visual Studio.

  2. Edit the code behind of the cloned web part: ~/CMSWebParts/BizForms/WizardForm.ascx.cs


    If you installed Kentico as a web application, the clone’s code files will not be visible right away, since they are not included in the project. In this case:

    1. Click Show all files at the top of the Solution Explorer.
    2. Right-click the WizardForm.ascx file in the BizForms folder.
    3. Click Include in Project.
  3. Add the following code into the SetupControl method (in the else branch where StopProcessing is false):

    // Hides the form's default submit button
    viewBiz.SubmitButton.Visible = false;
  4. Add the following overrides for the ValidateStepData and SaveStepData handlers of document wizard events:

    protected override void ValidateStepData(object sender, CMS.ExtendedControls.StepEventArgs e)
        base.ValidateStepData(sender, e);
        // Checks whether the form's data is valid
        if (!viewBiz.ValidateData())
            // Stops the wizard from moving to the next step if the form data is invalid
            e.CancelEvent = true;
    protected override void SaveStepData(object sender, CMS.ExtendedControls.StepEventArgs e)
        base.SaveStepData(sender, e);
        // Saves the data of the form (replaces the form's submit button)
        if (!viewBiz.SaveData(null))
            // Stops the wizard from moving to the next step if the form's data wasn't saved successfully
            e.CancelEvent = true;

    Tip: The sample code is only a demonstration of the available event handlers. You do not need to implement the ValidateStepData handler for forms in real world scenarios. The viewBiz.SaveData method called in the SaveStepData handler includes validation (returns a false value if the form’s data is invalid).

  5. Save the file.

You can now add the customized form web part into the content of document wizard steps. When moving to the next step, the wizard:

  1. Validates the form data (according to the settings of the form’s fields)
  2. Creates a new data record for the given form (if the form data is valid)

Resetting the document wizard

The document wizard tracks which steps individual users have passed through (the system stores the information in the HTTP session). If the Restrict step order property of the Document wizard manager web part is enabled, the wizard forces users to move through the steps in sequence:

  • Users can only move forward through the wizard’s steps using the Next button
  • The Document wizard navigation web part displays unvisited steps as inactive items (without links)
  • If a user attempts to access an unvisited step through the URL of the step document, the wizard opens the last visited step instead

You can use the API to reset the wizard from the code of any web part placed onto a step. Access the DocumentWizardManager property (inherited by all web parts from CMSAbstractWebPart) and call the ResetWizard method:


When executed, the method clears the history of visited steps for the user viewing the page.

Note: The wizard automatically resets when users click the Next button on the last step (if the Final step URL property is filled for the Document wizard manager web part).