Customizing web parts

There are two basic ways to change or extend the functionality of existing web parts:

Important: We do not recommend customizing the code of the default web parts directly. Instead, create a clone of the required web part and implement the changes there. Using clones ensures that the system does not overwrite your code when applying hotfixes or upgrades to newer versions of Kentico.

Alternatively, you can create:

  • Inherited web parts - copies of existing web parts that share the code files, but allow you to modify the definitions of properties and their default values.
  • Custom web part layouts - layouts determine the appearance and design of web parts (allow you to edit or extend the web part’s ASPX markup). You can select a different layout for each web part instance.

Example - Customizing the On-line form web part

The following example creates a modified version of the On-line form web part. The customized web part sends an e-mail whenever visitors submit the form and displays a confirmation message. You can use the same approach to alter the functionality of any of the default web parts to fit your specific requirements.

Note: This example is only a demonstration of the web part customization process. Forms provide built-in functionality for setting up e-mail notifications, autoresponders and confirmation messages.

Cloning the original web part

Before customizing one of the web parts in Kentico, it is recommended to first create a clone. Working with a separate copy of the original web part allows you to use the default version as a reference point and backup.

  1. Open the Web parts application.

  2. Select the Forms -> On-line form web part in the tree.

  3. Click Clone web part () above the tree and enter the following values:

    • New object display name: Form with custom e-mail
    • New object code name: FormWithEmail
    • Clone web part to category: Forms
    • Clone web part files: yes (checked)
    • Cloned web part file name: BizForms/formwithemail.ascx
  4. Click Clone.

The system creates a copy of the existing web part and its code files (ASCX and CS) using the specified names.

Modifying the web part code

  1. Open your web project in Visual Studio using the WebSite.sln (or WebApp.sln) file.

  2. Edit ~/CMSWebParts/BizForms/formwithemail.ascx.


    If you installed Kentico as a web application, the clone’s code files will not be visible right away, since they are not included in the project. In this case:

    1. Click Show all files at the top of the Solution Explorer.
    2. Right-click the formwithemail.ascx file in the BizForms folder.
    3. Click Include in Project.
  3. Drag a Label control onto the form and place it under the BizForm control.

  4. Set the label control’s ID to lblConfirmationMessage and clear its Text property.

    <cms:BizForm ID="viewBiz" runat="server" IsLiveSite="true" />
    <asp:Label ID="lblConfirmationMessage" runat="server"></asp:Label>
  5. Edit the code behind file (formwithemail.ascx.cs) and insert the following code after the default content of the viewBiz_OnAfterSave handler:

    void viewBiz_OnAfterSave(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Creates a new e-mail message
        CMS.EmailEngine.EmailMessage msg = new CMS.EmailEngine.EmailMessage();
        msg.From = "mail@localhost.local"; // Enter any valid e-mail address
        msg.Recipients = "mail@localhost.local"; // Use a valid e-mail address that you can access
        msg.Subject = "Custom form e-mail";
        msg.Body = "The value of the FirstName field: "
                    + CMS.Helpers.ValidationHelper.GetString(viewBiz.GetDataValue("FirstName"), "N/A");
        // Sends out the custom e-mail notification
        // Sets the confirmation message shown in the label
        lblConfirmationMessage.Text = "The e-mail has been sent.";

    The web part executes the viewBiz_OnAfterSave handler method whenever a user saves the form.

    The custom code creates a new e‑mail message, sends it out, and adds text into the confirmation label. The content of the e‑mail dynamically retrieves a field value from the form using the GetDataValue(string fieldName) method of the BizForm control.

  6. Fill in valid e‑mail addresses into the From and Recipients properties of the EmailMessage object in the code.

  7. Save the web part’s source files.

  8. Build the project if it was installed as a web application.

The customized form web part is now ready.


You can try out the functionality of the custom web part by adding it to a page, for example on the sample Corporate site:

Note: You need to have a valid SMTP server set up in the system to send the e-mail.

  1. Log in to the Kentico administration interface and open the Pages application.
  2. Select apage in the content tree.
  3. Switch to the Design tab and add the Form with custom e‑mail web part.
  4. Set the web part’s Form name property to the Contact Us form (using the Select button).
    • The Contact Us form is available by default if you are working with the sample Corporate Site.
    • This form includes the FirstName field used in the custom code.
  5. Click OK.
  6. View the page on the live site.
  7. Enter some values into the form and submit it.

The web part displays the additional confirmation message (“The e-mail has been sent.”) and sends an e-mail message to the specified address.

Example - Using a WHERE condition macro

The following example shows how to dynamically set the WHERE condition of a Repeater web part through a macro expression. The condition causes the repeater to display a full list of news documents for logged in users, and a limited sub-set for public users (unauthenticated visitors).

Adding the custom News document field

The example uses a custom field for news documents to determine whether news items are visible for public users.

  1. Open the Document types application.

  2. Edit () the News document type.

  3. Select the Fields tab.

  4. Click New field.

  5. Define the new field:

    • Field type: Standard field
    • Field name: ShowToPublicUsers
    • Field type: Boolean (Yes/No)
    • Field caption: Show to public users
    • Form control: Check box
  6. Click Save.

You can now set the Show to public users field on the Form tab of News documents. Switch to the Pages application and enable the flag for some of the documents in the /News section of the website.

Setting the dynamic WHERE condition

  1. In the Pages application, create a new page in the website’s content tree.

  2. Open the Design tab and add a Repeater web part.

  3. Set the following properties for the Repeater:

    • Path: /News/%

    • Document types: CMS.News

    • WHERE condition:

      {% CurrentUser.IsAuthenticated ? "" : "ShowToPublicUsers = 1" %}
    • Transformation:

    • Selected item transformation:

  4. Click OK.

The repeater displays all news documents from the /News section of the website. If you log out and view the page as a public visitor, the repeater only displays the news documents that you marked with the Show to public users flag.

Macro details

The macro in this example dynamically sets the WHERE condition property of the Repeater web part. The system resolves the macro when rendering the page.

  • The CurrentUser.IsAuthenticated expression is true if the user viewing the page is logged in on the website under a registered account.
  • The ternary operator (<condition> ? <true result> : <false result>) returns:
    • An empty WHERE condition value if the user is authenticated.
    • ShowToPublicUsers = 1 if the user is public (i.e. the repeater loads and displays only documents whose Show to public users field is checked).