Removing product options

You can remove product options or whole product option categories from your on-line store in the Product options application.

You cannot remove product options from Text product option categories. This is because each category of this type contains just one option – the text itself.

If you need to remove Text product options, remove their categories.

  1. Select the product option category that contains the options you want to remove, and click Edit ().
    • (Optional) Delete () the category. The system removes all options contained in the category at once.

      You cannot remove product option categories:

      • if the system uses the contained options in at least one order, or
      • if the system uses the contained options in at least one product variant.
  2. Switch to the Options tab.
  3. Select a product option and click Delete ().

You cannot remove product options:

  • if the system uses the options in at least one order, or
  • if the system uses the options in at least one product variant.
  • (Optional) Repeat this step if you want to remove more options from the category.

The system removes the product options from your on-line store.

You can also remove product options from your on-line store in the Products application while editing products on the Options -> Option categories tab.