Accessing addresses of registered customers on MVC sites
If you enable your customers to register and become also users on your MVC site, the typical scenarios for registered customers are:
- Saving and pre-filling the customer’s addresses when going through the checkout process to create an order.
- Saving and loading the customer’s shopping cart in case of leaving some products in it.
This page describes the pre-filling of the customer’s address when creating an order using the Kentico.Ecommerceintegration package.
Accessing the current shopping cart
Storing and retrieving the customers’ shopping carts works automatically in Kentico when using the GetCurrentShoppingCart method in the ShoppingService from the Kentico.Ecommerce integration package.
You can customize how Kentico retrieves the current shopping cart for cases such as:
- When the same shopping cart is used across all sites running under one Kentico instance
- When an older saved shopping cart overrides the current shopping cart
- What shopping cart information are removed when the shopping cart is retrieved from the database
See Retrieving the current shopping cart to learn more.
To use benefits of registered customers, you need to enable visitors of your MVC site to register. Learn more in Working with users on MVC sites.
To add the possibility to choose from all customer’s saved addresses and to pre-fill them:
This process presumes you already have a working customer details step in your MVC checkout process as described in Customer details step in MVC checkout.
Open your controller for the checkout process in your MVC project in Visual Studio.
The following example uses the ShoppingService, ICustomerAddressRepository and IShippingOptionRepository classes initialized in the controller’s constructor. See Using a shopping cart on MVC sites.
Modify your DeliveryDetails action method to contain loading of the customer.
/// <summary> /// Displays the customer detail checkout process step with an address selector for registered customers. /// </summary> public ActionResult DeliveryDetailsAddressSelector() { // Gets the current user's shopping cart ShoppingCart cart = shoppingService.GetCurrentShoppingCart(); // If the shopping cart is empty, displays the shopping cart if (cart.IsEmpty) { return RedirectToAction("ShoppingCart"); } // Gets all countries for the country selector SelectList countries = new SelectList(CountryInfoProvider.GetAllCountries(), "CountryID", "CountryDisplayName"); // Gets the current customer Customer customer = cart.Customer; // Gets all customer billing addresses for the address selector IEnumerable<CustomerAddress> customerAddresses = Enumerable.Empty<CustomerAddress>(); if (customer != null) { customerAddresses = addressRepository.GetByCustomerId(customer.ID); } // Prepares address selector options SelectList addresses = new SelectList(customerAddresses, "ID", "Name"); // Gets all enabled shipping options for the shipping option selector SelectList shippingOptions = new SelectList(shippingOptionRepository.GetAllEnabled(), "ShippingOptionID", "ShippingOptionDisplayName"); // Loads the customer details DeliveryDetailsViewModel model = new DeliveryDetailsViewModel { Customer = new CustomerModel(cart.Customer), BillingAddress = new BillingAddressModel(cart.BillingAddress, countries, addresses), ShippingOption = new ShippingOptionModel(cart.ShippingOption, shippingOptions) }; // Displays the customer details step return View(model); }
Add a method to the checkout controller. The method processes customer’s address selection in the customer details step.
/// <summary> /// Loads information of an address specified by its ID. /// </summary> /// <param name="addressID">ID of the address.</param> /// <returns>Serialized information of the loaded address.</returns> [HttpPost] public JsonResult CustomerAddress(int addressID) { // Gets the address with its ID CustomerAddress address = addressRepository.GetById(addressID); // Checks whether the address was retrieved if (address == null) { return null; } // Creates a response with all address information var responseModel = new { Line1 = address.Line1, Line2 = address.Line2, City = address.City, PostalCode = address.PostalCode, CountryID = address.CountryID, StateID = address.StateID, PersonalName = address.PersonalName }; // Returns serialized information of the address return Json(responseModel); }
Modify your view of the customer details step to display the address selector. For example:
Adding the address selector<div class="js-address-selector-div" data-statelistaction='@Url.Action("CustomerAddress", "Checkout")'> @Html.LabelFor(m => m.BillingAddress.AddressID) @Html.DropDownListFor(m => m.BillingAddress.AddressID, Model.BillingAddress.Addresses, "(new)", new { @class = "js-address-selector" }) <div class="message message-error"> @Html.ValidationMessageFor(m => m.BillingAddress.AddressID) </div> </div>
Adding the JavaScript file@Scripts.Render("~/Scripts/addressSelector.js")
Add a JavaScript file that loads the address information and pre-fills the information to the form.
(function () { 'use strict'; $('.js-address-selector-div').change(function () { var $selectorDiv = $(this), $addressDiv = $selectorDiv.parent(), $selector = $selectorDiv.find('.js-address-selector'), url = $'statelistaction'), postData = { addressId: $selector.val() }; if (!postData.addressId) { eraseFields($addressDiv); return; } $.post(url, postData, function (data) { fillFields($addressDiv, data); }); }); function fillFields($addressDiv, data) { fillBasicFields($addressDiv, data); fillCountryStateFields($addressDiv, data); } function fillBasicFields($addressDiv, data) { var basicFields = $'fields'), addressType = $'addresstype'); $.each(basicFields, function (i, val) { var fieldId = '#' + addressType + '_' + val, fieldVal = data[val]; $(fieldId).val(fieldVal); }); } function fillCountryStateFields($addressDiv, data) { var $countryStateSelector = $addressDiv.find('.js-country-state-selector'), countryField = $'countryfield'), stateField = $'statefield'), $countrySelector = $countryStateSelector.find('.js-country-selector'); $'stateselectedid', data[stateField]); $countrySelector.val(data[countryField]).change(); } function eraseFields($addressDiv) { var data = {}; fillFields($addressDiv, data); } }());
When you now sign in on your website, you can select your address from the addresses that you have used in the past.