Settings - Authorize.NET

Here you can find out settings related to the Authorize.NET payment gateway. The Authorize.NET settings are located at Settings -> E-commerce -> Payment gateways -> Authorize.NET. This type of settings is not available in the Store configuration or Multistore configuration application.


API login

Specifies an API login ID for the payment gateway account.

Transaction key

Specifies a transaction key obtained from the Merchant Interface.

Use test mode

Specifies whether the Authorize.NET uses test transactions for testing purposes or live transactions used by real customers.

The behavior depends on configuration in this field and also in the Authorize.NET Merchant Interface. If both or at least one of the interfaces is set to test transactions, all transactions are completed as test transactions.

To process transactions as live transactions, you need to disable both this field and the related field in the Authorize.NET Merchant Interface.