Configuring and customizing your on-line marketing features
Configuring on-line marketing features
Before starting working with on-line marketing features, you need to make sure that you have set the features correctly and provided marketers with necessary permissions:
You may also need to enable or configure the individual on-line marketing features to allow marketers work with them efficiently:
- Configure contacts
- Configure activities
- Configure content personalization
- Configure email marketing
- Configure marketing automation
- Configure optimization testing
- Configure web analytics
Furthermore, you can make additional adjustments to banners, campaigns, and personas:
- Add banners to a page as web parts
- Change the campaign report update interval
- Recommend pages to personas through web parts
Customizing on-line marketing features
After having enabled and configured, and even worked with your on-line marketing features, you may want to customize them, so that you can use the features in a more efficient manner:
- Use on-line marketing macros to dynamically load values related to on‑line marketing applications.
- Improve performance of custom macros in scoring and contact group conditions.
- Separate the contact management database to optimize the contact management data processing.
- Set up automatic deletion of contacts to reduce the volume of contact management data.