Viewing Twitter analytics

Kentico EMS required

Features described on this page require the Kentico EMS license.

Kentico collects analytical data from your Twitter channels. These analytics allow you to monitor the performance of your Twitter channel. You can view the activity analytics on your channels in the detail of each channel in Twitter -> Channels. You can also view analytics for individual tweets in Twitter -> Tweets.

Viewing Twitter channel analytics

  1. Go to Twitter -> Channels.
  2. Edit () a channel.
    • The Analytics tab appears.
  3. Select an analytics type in the tree on the left.

A report graph appears. The graph displays a daily report for the analytics of the edited channel. You can adjust the period displayed in the graph.

Viewing Tweet analytics

To view analytics for a particular tweet, go to Twitter -> Tweets. The list of tweets shows the analytics next to each tweet.

If you have a large number of tweets, only the most recent tweets have up-to-date analytics. This is due to the limits of the Twitter API.

Required permissions for viewing Twitter analytics

To view Twitter analytics in Kentico, an administrator must give you the Read permission for the Social marketing module.

Available Twitter analytics

Channel analytics

Channel followers

Number of people that follow your channel.

Channel mentions

Number of mentions (including replies) of your channel.

Tweet analytics


Indicates approximately how many times this Tweet has been “liked” by Twitter users.


Number of times this Tweet has been retweeted.

For more information see Twitter Analytics.