Reference - Product web parts

On this page, you can find all web parts suitable for placing products on pages, for promoting products, etc.

In Kentico, you can filter product web parts when adding a new web part by clickingAdd new web partin a web part zone or in the Web parts application (in the E-commerce -> Products category).

Web part name


Random products

Displays random products selected from a set you can define in the web part’s properties.

You can filter products based on product statuses, departments, page types, cultures, relationships, etc. or you can modify the used database query with a WHERE condition. You can also set how many products the web part displays.

Similar products by sale

Displays products that other customers buy with the chosen product most often. For example, if a customer bought product A together with products B and C, some other customer who is viewing the details of product A is being offered also products B and C.

You can filter products based on page types, cultures, etc. or you can modify the used database query with a WHERE condition. You can also set how many products the web part displays.

Top N newest products

Displays the products recently added to your store. By default, the products are sorted by the time they were created in descending order. However, you can order the products by other fields.

You can filter products based on page types, cultures, etc. or you can modify the used database query with a WHERE condition. You can also set how many products the web part displays.

Top N products by sales

Displays the most selling products in your store based on their occurrence in orders.

You can filter products based on page types, cultures, etc. or you can modify the used database query with a WHERE condition. You can also set how many products the web part displays.


Displays items added to the current user’s wish list.