Displaying reports on websites

If you want to display a report on the website or include it on a custom page in the Kentico administration interface, you can use the Report web part.

To add a report to your website:

  1. Open the Pages application.
  2. Select the page in the content tree and switch to the Design tab.
  3. Add the Report web part.
  4. Define the report properties:
    • Report name – select the required report.
    • Display filter – indicates if a parameter filter should be displayed on the page (if the report has parameters specified).
    • Enable export – if enabled, users can export the data displayed in the report’s charts and tables to other formats (Excel, CSV or XML). Note that data export is not allowed if it is not enabled for the given graph or table (on the General tab of the main reporting interface, select a graph/table from the list and click … -> Edit).
    • Enable subscription – indicates whether authenticated users are allowed to subscribe to the components (graphs, tables or values) in the displayed report. In addition to this property, subscription also needs to be enabled for the given report (on the General tab of the main reporting interface) and the specific graph, table or value. See Subscribing to reports for more information.
  5. If the selected report has parameters defined, you can display their values by using the Set parameters button. However, if the Display filter property is enabled, these settings are ignored, since the parameters are configurable on the live site using the filter.
  6. Click Save & Close.

If you view the page on the live site, the report appears just like on the View tab in the Reporting application.

Other web parts

If you only wish to display a certain graph, table or value from the report, use one of the other web parts from the Reporting category:

  • Report chart
  • Report table
  • Report value

You must specify the exact chart/table/value in the respective property of the web part. The first list is used to select the report, the second one specifies the chart, table or value.

These web parts are also available as widgets.