Configuring forms
The Forms application enables content editors to create and publish on-line forms. Forms can be used to gather structured data from website users.
In this chapter, you can learn how to prepare and configure forms so that content editors can use them on the site.
- Configuring permissions for forms
- Preparing the Form builder interface:
- For Portal Engine sites, see: Configuring the Form builder
- For MVC sites, developers can extend the available form options by creating custom form components, validation rules, visibility conditions, etc. See: Form builder development
Each form has its own separate database table where submitted data is stored. The submitted data can be viewed and managed in the Forms application.
Specifying the form object type
If you need to specify a form object type, for example in the properties of a web part, use the following naming convention:
BizformItem.Bizform.<code name>
For example, a form with code name ContactUswould have an object type in the following format: