Settings - LinkedIn

You can access these settings in the Settings application under the Security & Membership -> Authentication -> LinkedIn category. In this category, you can adjust settings related to LinkedIn authentication. This feature enables live site users to register and sign in to your website using their LinkedIn credentials.


Client ID

Enter the Client ID of your LinkedIn application. See Creating your LinkedIn application.

Client secret

Enter the Client Secret of your LinkedIn application.

Access token

Click the Get button to obtain a site-wide access token required to execute LinkedIn API calls that require authorization. The Client ID and Client secret values must be filled in. After the token expires, it is renewed automatically.


Enable LinkedIn authentication

Indicates if LinkedIn authentication is enabled.

Assign new users to roles

New users registered via LinkedIn authentication will be assigned to the specified roles.

Required user data page

URL of the page containing the LinkedIn required data web part. If entered and a new LinkedIn user signs in to the site for the first time, their user account is not created automatically, but they are redirected to this page and required to enter some additional data (or merge with an existing account) using the web part.

Requested permissions (scope)

Sets the LinkedIn permissions that Kentico requests on behalf of users when accessing LinkedIn resources.

The minimum required permission (and default value) is: r_liteprofile

If you wish to load birth date values for users who register on your site using their LinkedIn credentials, your LinkedIn application requires the r_fullprofile permission. To obtain this permission, you need to apply and be approved as a LinkedIn Partner.

For custom scenarios, you can enter multiple permissions separated by spaces.

To obtain the required Client ID and Secret keys, register an account at and create an application at