Creating macro namespaces

Macro namespaces serve as containers for static macro methods and fields. Users can access the members of namespaces when writing macro expressions, for example {% Math.Pi %} or {% Math.Log(x)* %}. Namespaces also appear in the macro autocomplete help. The system uses several default namespaces such as Math, String* or Util, and you can create your own namespaces for custom macros.

Creating macro namespaces in the MVC development model

If you are using the MVC development model, deploy all customizations described below to both your Kentico administration project and the separate MVC application. This ensures that the custom macros are available in both applications.

For more information, see Customizing MVC projects.

To add a custom macro namespace:

  1. Create a class inheriting from MacroNamespace<Namespace type>. Add the class as part of a custom assembly (Class Library project).
  2. Register macro fields or methods into the namespace – add Extension attributes to the class, with the types of the appropriate container classes as parameters.

using CMS.Base;
using CMS.MacroEngine;

public class CustomMacroNamespace : MacroNamespace<CustomMacroNamespace>

See Registering custom macro methods and Adding custom macro fields to learn about creating container classes for macro fields and methods.

Registering macro namespaces

Once you have defined the macro namespace class, you need to register the namespace as a source into a macro resolver (typically the global resolver).

We recommend registering your macro namespaces at the beginning of the application’s life cycle (during initialization). The following steps describe how to register a macro namespace into the global resolver:

  1. Create a custom module class.
    • Add the class into a custom Class Library project within the Kentico solution.

For basic execution of initialization code, you only need to register a “code-only” module through the API. You do NOT need to create a new module within the Modules application in the Kentico administration interface.

  1. Override the module’s OnInit method.

  2. Call the SetNamedSourceData method for the global resolver with the following parameters:

    • A string that sets the visible name of the namespace (used in macro syntax).
    • An instance of your macro namespace class.
    • (Optional) By default, the registered namespace appears in the high priority section of the autocomplete help and macro tree. To add namespaces with normal priority, add false as the third parameter.

using CMS;
using CMS.Base;
using CMS.DataEngine;
using CMS.MacroEngine;

// Registers the custom module into the system
[assembly: RegisterModule(typeof(CustomMacroModule))]

public class CustomMacroModule : Module
    // Module class constructor, the system registers the module under the name "CustomMacros"
    public CustomMacroModule()
        : base("CustomMacros")

    // Contains initialization code that is executed when the application starts
    protected override void OnInit()

        // Registers "CustomNamespace" into the macro engine
        MacroContext.GlobalResolver.SetNamedSourceData("CustomNamespace", CustomMacroNamespace.Instance);

The system registers your custom macro namespace when the application starts. Users can access the namespace’s members when writing macro expressions.

Registering namespaces as anonymous sources

By registering a macro namespace as an anonymous source, you can allow users to access the namespace’s members directly without writing the namespace as a prefix. For example, {% Field %} instead of {% Namespace.Field %}.

// Registers "CustomNamespace" as an anonymous macro source

You can register the same namespace as both a named and anonymous source. If you only register a namespace as an anonymous source, users cannot access the members using the prefix notation, and the namespace does not appear in the macro autocomplete help.

Note: Data items registered through anonymous macro sources do NOT appear in the macro autocomplete help. As a result, the autocomplete help only displays namespace members when using the prefix notation, even when the namespace is registered as both a named and anonymous source.