Customizing price rounding
When performing operations with price values (for example calculation of taxes and discounts, currency conversions, etc.), the system rounds the result according to the number of decimal places allowed by the configuration of each currency.
By default, you can configure the type of price rounding via settings:
- Open the Store configuration or Multistore configuration application.
- Navigate to the Store settings -> General tab.
- Select one of the Price rounding options:
- Mathematical – standard rounding to the nearest number, with midpoint values rounded up (toward the nearest number that is away from zero).
- Truncate – all values are rounded down (decimal numbers beyond the allowed limit are discarded).
- Financial – standard rounding to the nearest number, with midpoint values rounded toward the nearest even number.
- Click Save.
If the default options do not fulfill the requirements of your store, you need to customize the Kentico rounding functionality.
Customizing rounding globally
To customize the price rounding used throughout the entire system:
Open your Kentico project in Visual Studio.
Create a new class that implements the IRoundingService interface (found in the CMS.Ecommerce namespace).
Class location
For production sites, we recommend creating a new assembly (Class library project) in your Kentico solution and including the classes there. Then, add the appropriate references to both the assembly and the main Kentico web project. For more information, see Best practices for customization.
Implement the Round method according to your requirements.
Create a new class that implements the IRoundingServiceFactory interface (found in the CMS.Ecommerce namespace).
Implement the GetRoundingService method for the factory class.
Register your IRoundingServiceFactory implementation using the RegisterImplementation assembly attribute.
The customized rounding affects both price values displayed in product catalogs on the live site (when using appropriate transformation methods) and price calculations during the checkout process.
Example – Custom cash rounding
The following example demonstrates how to implement custom cash rounding of all price values. The example rounds values to the number of decimal places allowed by the configuration of each currency, with the last digit always rounded to the nearest multiple of 5.
Prepare a separate project for custom classes in your Kentico solution:
Open your Kentico solution in Visual Studio.
Create a new Class Library project in the Kentico solution (or reuse an existing custom project).
Add references to the required Kentico libraries (DLLs) for the new project:
Right-click the project and select Add -> Reference.
Select the Browse tab of the Reference manager dialog, click Browse and navigate to the Lib folder of your Kentico web project.
Add references to the following libraries (and any others that you may need in your custom code):
- CMS.Base.dll
- CMS.Core.dll
- CMS.DataEngine.dll
- CMS.Ecommerce.dll
- CMS.Globalization.dll
- CMS.Helpers.dll
- CMS.Membership.dll
Reference the custom project from the Kentico web project (CMSApp or CMS).
Edit the custom project’s AssemblyInfo.cs file (in the Properties folder).
Add the AssemblyDiscoverable assembly attribute:
using CMS; [assembly:AssemblyDiscoverable]
Continue by creating custom implementations of the IRoundingService and IRoundingServiceFactory interfaces:
Add a new class under the custom project, implementing the IRoundingService interface.
using System; using CMS.Ecommerce; public class CustomRoundingService : IRoundingService { public decimal Round(decimal price, CurrencyInfo currency) { // Gets the number of allowed decimal places for the requested currency int numberOfDecimalPlaces = currency.CurrencyRoundTo; // Prepares a basic multiplier that ensures rounding to the required number of decimal places decimal multiplier = Convert.ToDecimal(Math.Pow(10, numberOfDecimalPlaces)); // Prepares a "cash rounding" multiplier that ensures rounding to either '5' or '0' for the last decimal place decimal cashRoundingMultiplier = multiplier / 5m; // Returns the rounded price values return Math.Round((price * cashRoundingMultiplier), MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero) / cashRoundingMultiplier; } }
Add a new class under the custom project, implementing the IRoundingServiceFactory interface.
using CMS; using CMS.Ecommerce; // Registers the custom implementation of IRoundingServiceFactory [assembly: RegisterImplementation(typeof(IRoundingServiceFactory), typeof(CustomRoundingServiceFactory))] public class CustomRoundingServiceFactory : IRoundingServiceFactory { // Provides an instance of the custom rounding service public IRoundingService GetRoundingService(int siteId) { // This basic sample does not parameterize the rounding service based on the current site // Use the method's 'siteId' parameter if you need different rounding behavior for each site return new CustomRoundingService(); } }
Save all changes and Build the custom project.
The registered CustomRoundingServiceFactory class provides an instance of CustomRoundingService. The customized rounding service ensures that all price values are rounded to the required number of decimal places, with the last digit being a multiple of 5.
Customizing rounding of tax values
The e-commerce API allows you to customize rounding specifically for tax values, without affecting rounding in other locations.
The scenario described below is a customization of the default tax calculation functionality. It is not compatible with other custom implementations of the ITaxEstimationService or ITaxCalculationService interface. If you already have such customizations, you need to perform the required rounding of the tax results within the given implementations.
For more details, see: Customizing tax calculation
- Open your Kentico project in Visual Studio.
- Create a new class that inherits from the DefaultTaxEstimationService class (found in the CMS.Ecommerce namespace).
- Override the RoundTax method and implement your required rounding logic.
- Use the RegisterImplementation assembly attribute to register the custom class as the implementation of the ITaxEstimationService interface.
The customization only changes the rounding of calculated tax values, while leaving the remaining tax functionality in its default state. The custom rounding applies both to tax values in checkout process calculations and when displaying tax values on the live site (using the appropriate transformation methods).
For all price values other than taxes, rounding is not affected and behaves according to the site’s Price rounding setting (or the custom IRoundingService implementation if one exists).
Example – Rounding tax values up
The following example demonstrates how to customize the system to always round tax values up (even if the rounded fractional number is closer to the lower number). The example rounds values to the number of decimal places allowed by the configuration of each currency.
Recreate or reuse the custom project from the global rounding customization example.
Create a new class under the custom project, inheriting from the DefaultTaxEstimationService class.
using System; using CMS; using CMS.Ecommerce; // Registers the custom implementation of ITaxEstimationService [assembly: RegisterImplementation(typeof(ITaxEstimationService), typeof(CustomTaxRoundingService))] public class CustomTaxRoundingService : DefaultTaxEstimationService { // Constructor that passes instances of required interface implementations to the base DefaultTaxEstimationService constructor public CustomTaxRoundingService(ICountryStateTaxRateSource rateSource, IRoundingServiceFactory roundingServiceFactory) : base(rateSource, roundingServiceFactory) { } protected override decimal RoundTax(decimal price, TaxEstimationParameters parameters) { // Gets the number of allowed decimal places for the requested currency int numberOfDecimalPlaces = parameters.Currency.CurrencyRoundTo; // Rounds the tax value up to the requested number of decimal places decimal multiplier = Convert.ToDecimal(Math.Pow(10, numberOfDecimalPlaces)); return Math.Ceiling(price * multiplier) / multiplier; } }
Save all changes and Build the custom project.
The customization ensures that values are always rounded up for tax calculation results that have more decimal places than allowed by the given currency. Other types of rounding are not affected.