Adding custom UniGrid transformations

The UniGrid provides built-in transformations for easy formatting of the content of columns. To learn about the UniGrid transformations that are available by default, see the description of the externalsourcename column attribute in Reference - UniGrid definition.

If you need to display column values in a custom format, you can register your own UniGrid transformations:

  1. Open your Kentico project in Visual Studio.
  2. Create a custom module class.
    • Either add the class into a custom project within the Kentico solution (recommended) or directly into the Kentico web project (into a custom folder under the CMSApp project for web application installations, into the App_Code folder for web site installations).
  3. Override the module’s OnInit method and and register your UniGrid transformations.
    • Call the UniGridTransformations.Global.RegisterTransformation method for each transformation.
  4. Implement the methods that define the functionality of your custom UniGrid transformations.

For basic execution of initialization code, you only need to register a “code-only” module through the API. You do NOT need to create a new module within the Modules application in the Kentico administration interface.


using CMS;
using CMS.Base;
using CMS.DataEngine;
using CMS.UIControls;
using CMS.Helpers;
using CMS.PortalEngine;

// Registers the custom module into the system
[assembly: RegisterModule(typeof(CustomUniGridTransformationModule))]

public class CustomUniGridTransformationModule : Module
    // Module class constructor, the system registers the module under the name "CustomUniGridTransformations"
    public CustomUniGridTransformationModule()
        : base("CustomUniGridTransformations")

    // Contains initialization code that is executed when the application starts
    protected override void OnInit()

        // Registers the #customBoldText UniGrid transformation
        UniGridTransformations.Global.RegisterTransformation("#customBoldText", CustomBoldText);

        // Registers the #isStyleSheetCheckedOut UniGrid transformation
        UniGridTransformations.Global.RegisterTransformation("#isStyleSheetCheckedOut", IsStyleSheetCheckedOut);

    // Method that defines the #customBoldText UniGrid transformation
    // Wraps the UniGrid column text value into a <strong> element
    private static object CustomBoldText(object parameter)
        return "<strong>" + ValidationHelper.GetString(parameter, "") + "</strong>";

    // Method that defines the #isCheckedOut UniGrid transformation
    // Indicates whether the specified stylesheet object is currently checked out for editing
    private static object IsStyleSheetCheckedOut(object parameter)
        // Gets the stylesheet object based on the ID in the parameter
        CssStylesheetInfo stylesheet = CssStylesheetInfoProvider.GetCssStylesheetInfo(ValidationHelper.GetInteger(parameter, 0));

        // Evaluates whether the stylesheet is checked out
        if ((stylesheet != null) && stylesheet.Generalized.IsCheckedOut)
            return "<span class=\"StatusEnabled\">" + ResHelper.GetString("general.yes") + "</span>";

        return "<span class=\"StatusDisabled\">" + ResHelper.GetString("") + "</span>";

Once a UniGrid transformation is registered, you can use it in the externalsourcename attribute of UniGrid columns.



    <ug:Column Source="UserName" Caption="$general.username$" Width="100%" ExternalSourceName="#customBoldText" />



    <column source="StylesheetID" caption="Checked out" wrap="false" externalsourcename="#isStyleSheetCheckedOut" />
