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Configuring Kentico

Configure the environment for content editing


Workflows define the life cycles of pages. Learn how to create them and apply them to pages.

Page versioning

Configure versioning of pages with or without a workflow. Set up locking of pages for collaborative editing.

Media libraries

Configure custom storage for media libraries, custom file types or maximum file upload size.

WYSIWYG editor

Configure and personalize the WYSIWYG editor for content editors.

On-site editing

Allow content editors to adjust page content on websites directly while viewing the website in a live mode.

Content notifications

Enable content editors to receive notification messages when pages are created, updated or deleted.


Enable the content editors to collaboratively edit files stored on remote servers using the client applications (e.g., using Microsoft Word) installed on their local computers.

Configure the system


Whether you run one or multiple sites, it is useful to know how to manage sites in the system. Learn how to install new sites, add site licenses, set domain names, and more.


Explore the ways of storing files in Kentico. Choose whether to store files in the database or the file system, upload multiple files to your websites, set up image resizing on upload.

Page URLs

Learn how to set the URLs for web pages in Kentico. Adjust your URLs so that they do not have extensions.

Website search

The system provides built-in, index-based search functionality. Enable search indexing, create search indexes and add Smart search web parts to your site.

SMTP servers

Connect the system to SMTP servers to allow Kentico to send out emails.

Email templates

Create and manage templates for emails, which are automatically sent by the system.

Scheduled tasks

Learn how to configure the system to periodically perform tasks.

Object versioning

Configure the system to keep track of changes made to objects and learn how to work with the object recycle bin.

Alternative forms

Create alternative versions of various types of editing and input forms in the system.

Optimize your website

Performance optimization

Learn which aspects affect the performance of your websites and what can you do to improve the performance. Setting up web farms can also provide load balancing for your website.

Search engine optimization (SEO)

Help your website be visible in search engines like Google.

Output filters

The output filters enable the system to automatically adjust the HTML code of pages before sending the code to browsers.

Health monitoring

Set up performance monitoring for your application. This can help you find bottlenecks in the system.