Settings - Web parts

You can configure settings related to chat web parts in Settings -> Community -> Chat -> Web parts.

Default web parts settings

Items per page

Number of items displayed on one page when paging is enabled. Affects on-line users, users in rooms, user search results, and rooms. This setting can be overridden by a web part’s setting.

Pages in group

Number of pages displayed in one group when paging is enabled. Value 0 means that pages will not be grouped. Affects on-line users, users in rooms, user search results, and rooms. This setting can be overridden by a web part’s setting.

Show filter limit

Filter will be shown when there is at least the specified number of items displayed by a web part. This setting can be overwritten by a specific web part’s setting.

Invite users - users per page

Defines how many users will be displayed on one page when inviting a user to a room.

Invite users - search mode

If enabled, the Search on-line users web part will be used when inviting a user to a room. Otherwise, the On-line users web part will be used. This setting can be overridden by a web part setting.

Search on-line users - maximum users in response

Defines how many users can be returned as a response to a search query when the Search on-line users web part’s search mode is activated. If this setting is set to 0, the response will not be limited.

First load of messages

Display ‘Kick’ system message

If checked, system messages of this type will be displayed when a user enters a room.

Display ‘Enter room’ system message

If checked system messages of this type will be displayed when a user enters a room.

Display ‘Leave room’ system message

If checked system messages of this type will be displayed when a user enters a room.

Display ‘Change nickname’ system message

If checked system messages of this type will be displayed when a user enters a room.

Display ‘Support greeting’ system message

Indicates if automatic greeting support message will be displayed to users when they enter support chat.

Display ‘Invited’ system message

If enabled system will display messages when users invite other users to chat room in that room.

Display ‘Announcement’ system message

Announcement is a message written from Kentico administration interface (Chat -> Chat room -> Messages -> New announcement). If checked, Announcements will be displayed when a user enters a room.

Number of messages displayed after entering room

Indicates how many messages will be displayed when a user enters a chat room. Negative number means there is no limitation and all messages from the room will be displayed.

Default transformations

Room user transformation name

Transformationfor displaying users present in a room.

Room message transformation name

Transformation that will be applied to messages in a normal (not one-on-one chat) room.

Chat room name transformation

Transformation for displaying chat room name in the room title.

Room transformation

Transformation to be used for displaying rooms in their list.

Notification transformation

Transformation used for displaying notification messages.

On-line user transformation

Transformation for displaying on-line users.

Error transformation

Transformation that will be used for displaying errors.

Close all button transformation

Transformation that will be used to display the Close all button.

Chat support request transformation name

Transformation name for the element that allows to initiate on-line support.

Initiated chat transformation name

Transformation for displaying chat bubble, which informs site visitors that a support person wants to initiate chat with them.