
Your on-line store offers visitors of your website to purchase products. Kentico refers to the visitors who purchase any of these products as customers. For all your customers, you can manage their personal and company details, addresses, orders and email campaigns.

Anonymous vs. registered customers

Customers can be either anonymous or registered. The anonymous customers can make a single purchase and for the next purchase, they need to fill all their details again. On the other hand, the registered customers can return to your website and purchase in your on-line store repeatedly with already pre-filled addresses and other information. You can also offer them special set of products, special discounts, or restricted sections.

By default, both anonymous and registered customers can make purchases. However, you can modify the allowed behavior completely or partially. For example, you can use automatic registrations. You can also give your customers the option of registering themselves when making an order.

Stored information

The Kentico E-commerce Solution stores every customer’s:

Managing customers

The usual scenario is that your on-line store visitors purchase some products and become anonymous or registered customers.

The registered customers can manage their accounts, i.e. edit their account details, on the live site if your website enables it.

Alternatively, the system allows you to manage customers manually in a dedicated part of the administration interface, the Customers application. Here you can create, modify, and remove any customer.

Managing customers

  • Create a new customer by clicking New customer.

    See detailed instructions about how to create a new customer in Creating customers manually.
  • Modify a customer by clicking Edit ().

    See detailed instructions about how to edit a customer in Modifying customer details.

  • Delete a customer by clicking Remove ().