Settings - Microsoft SharePoint

These settings allow you to configure how the system caches images and other files loaded from SharePoint servers.

SharePoint file caching

Cache timeout (minutes)

Sets the number of minutes for which the system caches files loaded from SharePoint servers. The caching is done server-side.

File size limit (kB)

Specifies the maximum SharePoint file size in kilobytes that is allowed to be cached. Setting a limit stops the file cache from using an excessive amount of memory.

See also: Integrating SharePoint

In this section you can configure the default logon credentials used to access the SharePoint server by the obsolete SharePoint web parts.

If you configure a Username and Password here, it will be used by default if you leave the Username and Password fields blank in the properties of SharePoint web parts.

If you enable the Use Windows Authentication option, the current user’s windows domain credentials will be used to access the SharePoint server.

You must specify the address of the SharePoint server itself in the properties of SharePoint web parts.

The settings configured here are automatically used for authentication by the GetSharePointFile.aspx page and since the URL to access the page can be entered manually, it is highly recommended to enter the credentials of a user that is authorized to access only the files you want to display on your website.