Linking pages and files

If you need to create a permanent link to a page, use a URL in the following format:

<domain>/getdoc/<page GUID>/<page name><extension>

  • <page GUID> is the globally unique identifier of the page. You can find a page’s GUID value in Pages -> Properties -> General -> Node GUID.
  • The <page name> value may contain any text — it is not used by the system, but allows you to specify the exact URL (e.g. for the purposes of search engine optimization). By default, the system uses the page’s name.

Permanent links keep working even if you move the target page to another location.

For example:

is the permanent equivalent of:

Linking specific language versions of pages

If you need to link to a specific language version of a page, you use a URL in the following format:

<domain>/getdoc/<page GUID>/<page name>/<culture code><extension>

For example:

Displays the given page in French (if the page is translated). It is an equivalent of:

Linking attachments

If you need to create a permanent link to a file uploaded as a page attachment, you use a URL in the following format:

<domain>/getattachment/<file GUID>/<filename><extension>

  • The <file GUID> is not the same as the page GUID. It is the GUID of the file in the CMS_Attachment database table. To find the GUID of an attachment, click the attachment in Pages -> Properties -> Attachments and view the URL.
  • The <file name> value can contain any text.

For example:

GetFile.aspx parameters

The system uses the GetFile.aspx page to retrieve uploaded files from the database. The page is called whenever you use /getdoc, /getattachment or a direct URL based on the alias path of a CMS.File page.

GetFile URLs accept the following query string parameters:

Parameter name


Sample value


Attachment GUID value.


Node GUID value.


Version history ID of the attachment. It can only be used together with the guid parameter.


Resizes the image to a specified width (in pixels).



Resizes the image to a specified height (in pixels).



Resizes the image to the specified size of the longest side (in pixels).



Indicates the output disposition of the file.

You can use one of the following disposition values:

  • inline - opens the file in the browser window if possible
  • attachment - opens the browser’s “Save or Open” dialog




Resizing of images

If your website has the Resize images according to device profile setting enabled in Settings -> Content -> Content management, the system may override the width, height and maxsidesize parameters used in GetFile URLs of image files. When a user views the website on a device that matches a device profile, images automatically reduce their maximum side size to the larger of the dimensions set for the given profile.

To configure the dimensions of device profiles:

  1. Open the Device profiles application.
  2. Edit () a profile.
  3. Set the Preview width and Preview height properties.
  4. Click Save.

If you wish to disable device profile resizing for an image, add the resizemode=1 parameter to the GetFile URL.