Scaling Microsoft Azure projects

The Microsoft Azure platform allows you to scale your Kentico projects in terms of computing power, memory and IO resources. There are several ways to scale your project. You can configure your Azure Cloud Service to:

  • use larger instances,
  • use more instances,
  • automatically scale the number of instances.

Scaling the size of instances

The default size of an instance of your project is small. See Cloud Services Pricing Details for a list of available instance sizes.

You can change the size of your instances only through Visual Studio. See Configuring sizes of the CMSApp web role for instructions. Note that full redeployment is needed when changing the size of instances.

Scaling the number of instances

You can configure your project to use a specific number of instances through Visual Studio – see Configuring the number of instances. This approach requires full redeployment of your project.

You can also scale your already deployed project through the management portal:

  1. Open the Azure management portal.
  2. Select your cloud service.
  3. Switch to the Scale tab
    • On this tab, you can either set the number of instances your cloud service uses, or configure automatic scaling. See more details in the How to Scale an Application article.