Store overview

The Store overview application provides a widget dashboard that you can personalize to contain frequently used sources of information and tools. The dashboard is intended as an overview of the system’s E-commerce Solution features.

Kentico offers many different widgets, that you can configure and place on the dashboard. For example, you can use widgets to view various e-commerce reports (e.g., monthly sales, sales by order status, etc.), to display a list of products, orders, etc. that match a specified filter, or to check whether all required e-commerce settings are configured correctly.

To learn how to work with widgets on dashboards, see Working with widget dashboards and its child pages.

E-commerce widget types

Kentico E-commerce Solution offers the following pre-defined widgets. You can change each widget by clicking Configure widget ().

Building your on-line store

The widget contains useful links that can help you to administrate your site.

E-commerce settings checker

The widget checks whether all required e-commerce settings are configured correctly.

Remeber that:

  • Check exchange rates checks whether an exchange rates table exists and is valid at the moment. You must set an exchange rates table even if you use only one currency.
  • Check payment methods checks whether at least one payment method exists and is assigned to some shipping option.


The widget shows information regarding orders, for example, unpaid orders, successful orders in the last week, or not yet finished orders older than two weeks.

Remember that:

  • The Total price in main currency from field and the Total price in main currency to field must be positive numbers. Decimals are allowed.
  • Older than (days) has priority if you fill both, this field and Created during last (days)Created during last (days) will then have no effect.
  • If a user doesn’t have permission to do an action, you selected in Actions, the button of the action is hidden for the user.


 Display unpaid orders older than 5 days

  1. Click Add new widget to display the Select widget dialog.
  2. In the left menu of the dialog, click E-commerce.
  3. Select Orders.
  4. Click Select to add the widget and to open the Widget properties (Orders) dialog.
  5. In the Billing category, select Not paid in the Payment status field.
  6. In the How old orders field, the default setting is to show orders only a year old. Enter 5 to the Older than (days) field.
  7. Click OK.

The system saves and displays the widget. To change the name of the widget, click Configure widget () and change the Widget title field.


The widget shows information regarding products, for example, products which have to be reordered, or products in sale.


Display products which have to be reordered

  1. Click Add new widget to display the Select widget dialog.
  2. In the left menu of the dialog, click E-commerce.
  3. Select Products.
  4. Click Select to add the widget and to open the Widget properties (Products) dialog.
  5. In the Inventory category, select Needs to be reordered.
  6. Click OK.

The system saves and displays the widget. To change the name of the widget, click Configure widget () and change the Widget title field.

Report widgets

Report widgets show basic information about the on-line store:

  • Daily sales – displays sales in a day.
  • Monthly sales – displays sales in a month
  • Number of orders by status – displays order count by order status.
  • Sales by order status – displays sums of the prices of existing orders by order status.

To display charts with advanced options, use the Analytics chart viewer widget in the Web analytics category. If you use the Analytics chart viewer widget, choose (more items…) in the Chart field to find E-commerce charts.