Example - Creating campaigns

Kentico EMS required

Features described on this page require the Kentico EMS license.

The following example demonstrates how to work with campaigns on the sample Corporate site.

Creating the campaigns

By default, the Corporate Site contains a single campaign name Sample campaign. Create two additional campaigns.

  1. Open the Campaigns application.

  2. Switch to the Campaigns tab.

  3. Click New campaign and fill in the following properties:

    • Display name: Banner campaign
    • Code name: Banner1
  4. Click Save.

  5. Return to the campaign list and add a third campaign with the following names:

    • Display name: E‑mail marketing
    • Code name: Emails

 Now that the campaign tracking objects are prepared, you need to ensure that the system correctly identifies visitors who access the website through the given campaigns.

Identifying campaigns through URL parameters

The default name of the campaign tracking URL parameter is campaign.

You can change the name of the campaign parameter in Settings -> On‑line marketing -> Web analytics through the Campaign tracking URL parameter setting.

  1. Open a new tab in your browser and copy the URL of your site’s Home page into the address bar.
  2. Add the campaign tracking parameter to the URL and set its value to samplecampaign (the name of the default campaign):
    • Adjust the URL according to the domain of your website.
    • You may also need to Close the preview mode of the page to get to the actual live site.

The Home page opens as usual, but the system recognizes that you have arrived via a campaign.

  1. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the Examples link under the Where to learn more? section.

  2. Use the menu on the left to reach On‑line marketing -> Optimization -> Conversion page, which logs a sample conversion.

    • Because the Sample campaign is currently active in your browser, the system records the conversion in the campaign’s statistics.
    • You can try reloading the page several times to log multiple conversions.

In a real‑world scenario, you would need to ensure that all links to your website placed in the given campaign’s marketing materials contain the tracking parameter with the name of the appropriate campaign object as the value.

Using page-specific campaigns

Create a page to serve as a campaign landing page:

  1. Log back in to the Kentico administration interface.

  2. Open the Pages application.

  3. Select the Special Pages folder in the content tree and create a New () page named Landing page.

    • You can choose the Create a blank page option in the template selection dialog, since the content of the page is not important for the purposes of this example.
  4. Switch to the Analytics -> Settings tab of the new page.

  5. Click Select next to the Track campaign field and choose Banner campaign.

  6. Click Save.

  7. Open this new page on the live site (you can access it through its URL: <domain>/SpecialPages/Landing-Page.aspx).

    • The Banner campaign becomes active, replacing the previously assigned campaign.
  8. Navigate to Examples -> On‑line marketing -> Optimization -> Conversion page again to log a conversion for the second campaign.

Creating page aliases for campaigns

Add a campaign alias to the website’s Home page:

  1. In the Pages application, select the Home page in the content tree.

  2. Go to Properties -> URLs.

  3. Click Add new alias.

  4. Configure the alias’s settings as shown below:

    • Path type: Standard URL or wildcard
    • Path or pattern: /EmailCampaign/Home
    • Track campaign: select the Email marketing campaign
  5. Click Save.

  6. Open the site’s Home page through the URL of the page alias (<domain>/EmailCampaign/Home.aspx).

    • This overrides the previous campaign and you can visit the sample Conversion page again.

Read Evaluating campaigns to learn how to view the results of the sample campaigns. Keep in mind that this sample scenario only serves to quickly demonstrate the functionality of campaigns. In the case of a real campaign, visitors do not need to enter URLs manually, but simply follow the appropriate links.