Friends web parts
The Friends application comes with the following web parts. You can find the web parts in the Community -> Friends web part category.
Friends viewer
This web part can typically be used on the user profile page for viewing the current user’s friends. If you right-click the avatar image of a friend, the system offers several friends management tasks.
The following web parts are on-site equivalents of the Friends management administration interface described in Managing friends.
Friends list
This web part displays a list of all friends of the current user.
Friendship management
This web part allows users to manage friendship through a given GUID.
Friends waiting for approval
This web part displays a list of all users waiting for the current user’s approval of friendship.
Rejected friends
This web part displays a list of all users whose friendship was rejected by the current user. The listed users cannot request the current user’s friendship.
My pending requests
This web part displays a list of all users whose friendship was requested by the current user.
Request friendship
This web part displays a link that, when clicked, opens the Add a new friend dialog.
My friends
This web part combines the functions of the above mentioned web parts. It fully covers the functionality of the Friends application.