Verify if contact tracking is enabled

Test yourself if contact tracking works for you in Xperience by Kentico.

  1. Visit your website in an incognito window.
  2. Open a second window and navigate to your Contact management application in the Xperience by Kentico administration interface.
  3. In the browser’s Incognito window, agree with any privacy policy consent that requests permission for “marketing” or “personalization”.
  4. Switch to the browser window with Xperience’s administration and click the Created table header button to reorder the existing contacts. Xperience adds to all new contacts’ Last name field value Anonymous and a timestamp. Usually, the latest Anonymous… contact is the one you’ve created.
  5. Open the latest Anonymous contact and check if the Recent activities section below the contact’s name matches the landing page where you agreed with the privacy policy.
  6. Visit some pages in the incognito window and see if the visited pages appear within your Anonymous contact’s recent activities.

Next step

Continue to a guide that shows you how to verify if contact tracking is enabled using browser’s Developer tools.