Contact recognition logic

On websites, Xperience stores the current contact persistently in the CurrentContact browser cookie. For visitors without the cookie, new anonymous contacts are always created and remain in the system unless they are automatically merged with an existing contact. Merging occurs if the email address value of the contact is updated and matches the address of an existing contact.

The system remembers contacts until their cookies are deleted or until a different contact is determined for the visitor.

On many websites, different people often connect from the same IP addresses (e.g., from company or municipal networks). To keep contacts separate in such scenarios, Xperience does NOT automatically assign contacts to anonymous visitors based on their IP address or Browser user agent.

Contact email collisions

Because a contact’s email address is its main identifier in Xperience, the system does not allow the email to be changed based on data submitted by users. This can happen in the following ways:

If the contact associated with a user already has an email address stored in Xperience, and it doesn’t match the newly submitted email value, all related activities and field updates are performed for a different contact. Either an existing contact that matches the submitted email value is used, or a new contact is created. In these cases, the user’s associated contact remains unchanged, but any subsequent actions, such as automation processes, are performed for the “other” contact that matches the submitted email address.

Customize contact recognition

If the contact recognition logic described above does not suit your needs, developers can change it programmatically by creating and registering a custom implementation of the ICurrentContactProvider service:

  1. Open your Xperience project in Visual Studio.

  2. Add a custom assembly (Class Library project) to the solution or re-use an existing one.

  3. Create a class that implements the ICurrentContactProvider interface in the custom assembly.

  4. Implement your own logic for contact recognition.

     using System;
     using CMS;
     using CMS.Membership;
     using CMS.ContactManagement;
     [assembly: RegisterImplementation(typeof(ICurrentContactProvider), typeof(CustomCurrentContactProvider))]
     /// <summary>
     /// Summary description for CustomCurrentContactProvider
     /// </summary>
     public class CustomCurrentContactProvider : ICurrentContactProvider
         public ContactInfo GetCurrentContact(IUserInfo currentUser, bool forceUserMatching)
             // Implement your contact recognition logic
             throw new NotImplementedException();
         public ContactInfo GetExistingContact(IUserInfo currentUser, bool forceUserMatching)
             // Implement your contact recognition logic
             throw new NotImplementedException();
         public void SetCurrentContact(ContactInfo contact)
             // Implement your logic for storing information about the current contact
             throw new NotImplementedException();
  5. Register your service using the RegisterImplementation assembly attribute.