Content item asset upload API

The system provides a supporting API for managing content item asset binaries (for content items with Content item asset fields). When creating or updating asset binaries, you control where the data is sourced via the IContentItemAssetSource interface and its implementations.

You can use the following default implementations:

  1. ContentItemAssetFileSource – sources the binary data from a location on the file system. When constructing this source, provide:
    1. filePath – the location of the asset binary.
    2. canMove – if true, moves the file from the source location to the ~/assets folder in the Xperience application instead of creating a copy.
  2. ContentItemAssetStreamSource – sources the binary from a Stream. When constructing this source, provide:
    1. Func<Task<Stream>> – a delegate that returns the Stream object.

The source is passed when constructing ContentItemAssetMedataWithSource objects that are used when updating or creating ContentItemData (the class responsible for populating content item fields) via IContentItemManager.

The following excerpt only demonstrates IContentItemAssetSource instantiation and usage. See the Content items section in the API examples for full code samples.

C#ContentItemAssetFileSource usage

// Gets the metadata for content item creation
CreateContentItemParameters createParams = //...

// Gets the file information from a file on the file system
var assetPath = "C:/data/images/store-logo.jpg";
var file = new FileInfo(assetPath);

// Creates a metadata object that describes the uploaded asset
var assetMetadata = new ContentItemAssetMetadata()
    Extension = file.Extension,
    Identifier = Guid.NewGuid(),
    LastModified = DateTime.Now,
    Name = file.Name,
    Size = file.Length

// Creates a 'ContentItemAssetFileSource' object used to locate the asset and merges it with the metadata object
var fileSource = new ContentItemAssetFileSource(file.FullName, false);
var assetMetadataWithSource = new ContentItemAssetMetadataWithSource(fileSource, assetMetadata);

// Passes the metadata and the binary source to ContentItemData
ContentItemData itemData = new ContentItemData(new Dictionary<string, object>{
    { "StoreLogo", assetMetadataWithSource }

// Creates the content item 
await contentItemManager.Create(createParams, itemData);

Custom implementations

You can also provide custom implementations of IContentItemAssetSource that retrieve the binary data according to your preference.

The interface requires the following members:

  • HasData – a boolean property that determines whether the source carries updated binary data. If false, the asset binary is not updated in the ~/assets folder on the file system when updating the corresponding content item.
  • Task Write(string targetAssetFilePath, CancellationToken cancellationToken) – method that writes the binary data to targetAssetFilePath. Invoked by the system when processing management operations over asset binaries.

The following sample implementation sources the asset binary from a URI:


using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

using CMS.ContentEngine;  

public class ContentItemAssetUriSource : IContentItemAssetSource, IDisposable
    private static readonly HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient();
    private Uri assetUri;
    private HttpContent assetContent;

    // Determines whether the asset binary should be updated.
    // Always set to true - the system assumes fresh binary data every time 
    // an instance of this class is provided.
    public bool HasData => true;

    public ContentItemAssetUriSource(string assetUri)
        this.assetUri = new Uri(assetUri);

    // Gets meta information about the asset
    public async Task<ContentItemAssetMetadata> GetAssetMetadata(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
        await EnsureAssetContent(cancellationToken);

        return new ContentItemAssetMetadata()
            Extension = Path.GetExtension(assetUri.LocalPath),
            Identifier = Guid.NewGuid(),
            LastModified = DateTime.UtcNow,
            Name = Path.GetFileName(assetUri.LocalPath),
            Size = assetContent.Headers.ContentLength.GetValueOrDefault()

    // Writes the asset binary from the Http request to the file system.
    // Invoked by Xperience from within content item management operations (IContentItemManager).
    public async Task Write(string targetAssetFilePath, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
        await EnsureAssetContent(cancellationToken);

        // Creates the target file path if it doesn't exist
        CMS.IO.DirectoryHelper.EnsureDiskPath(targetAssetFilePath, string.Empty);

        // Copies the asset binary to the target path
        using (var targetStream = File.Open(targetAssetFilePath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))
            var assetStream = await assetContent.ReadAsStreamAsync(cancellationToken);
            await assetStream.CopyToAsync(targetStream, cancellationToken);

    private async Task EnsureAssetContent(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
        if (assetContent == null)
            var response = await httpClient.GetAsync(assetUri, cancellationToken);

            assetContent = response.Content;

    public void Dispose()