Manage SaaS deployments
Use Xperience Portal (available at to manage your Xperience by Kentico applications deployed in the SaaS environment.
You need to upload a deployment package to your Xperience Portal project to trigger an initial deployment to the QA environment. After a successful deployment, you can access the deployed application and manage the SaaS deployments within Xperience Portal, which enables you to:
- Add and configure your content channels.
- Debug the deployments by examining the deployment Logs in the Deployments application.
- Manage backups of your deployed application.
- Monitor the uptime of application deployments and the Xperience Portal project.
- Monitor the event log and exceptions of application deployments.
- Evaluate the performance metrics of your applications.
Access deployed applications
After successfully uploading the deployment package to the QA environment or deploying the package to another deployment environment, use the application URL displayed in the Deployments application under Latest deployments to access the deployed application.
Each project has a default system domain in format: <environment>-<project_code_name>
The default domain can be used to access the project’s administration UI. You can view your project’s default system domains in the Channels and Domains → System domains application in Xperience Portal.
Additionally, projects also have domains for individual website and email channels. You can set up custom domains for website and email channels in the PROD environment. To learn more, see Website channels in the SaaS environment and Email channels in the SaaS environment.
Restart deployed applications
If you encounter any issue that requires you to restart the Xperience by Kentico application, you can restart the application in the administration interface. However, when you cannot access the administration interface, you can restart the application from Xperience Portal.
- Access your Xperience Portal project.
- Navigate to the Deployments application.
- Restart the desired environment.
- For non-production environments (QA, UAT), the Restart button is available to all portal users. However, only users in Tenant Administrator or DevOps Engineer roles can restart the production (Prod) environment.
- Wait until the restart is finished.
Channel management
Content in Xperience by Kentico is encapsulated within channels, which are bound to specific domains. To allow the content to be presented by deployments in the SaaS environment, you need to add and configure all website and email channels within Xperience Portal in the Channels and Domains application.
For detailed information, see:
Backups allow you to restore previous versions of your project for a particular environment.
Xperience Portal creates automatic production backups, and you can also create manual backups for production and non-production environments. Backups can be viewed, managed and restored using the Backups application.
Full and partial backups
Applications deployed in the SaaS environment consist of the following:
- Application service – application binaries and runtime files,
- Database – reflects the current state of the environment’s database,
- Storage and files – reflects the current state of files in the environment’s Azure Blob storage.
When creating a manual backup, you can choose whether to create a full or partial backup.
- Full backups include all of the above components, and can be restored.
- For partial backups, you can select which components are included. Create and download partial backups if you wish to inspect the current state of the application – debug the database or check the integrity, versions, and number of files in the deployment environment.
Automatic production backups
Kentico automatically creates the following full backups:
- For deployments to all environments:
- Predeployment backups which are retained until overwritten by a new deployment to the given environment.
- For deployments only to the Production environment:
- Daily backups with a retention policy based on your service plan:
- Level 1 – 3 days
- Level 2 – 3 days
- Level 3 – 7 days
- Weekly backups with a retention policy of 30 days.
- Daily backups with a retention policy based on your service plan:
See SaaS service plans for information about service plans and Licensing Xperience by Kentico for information how to change to a different service plan.
Create a manual backup
You can create manual backups for both production and non-production environments.
The retention policy for manual backups is:
Full backups:
- Level 1 service plan – 3 days
- Level 2 service plan – 3 days
- Level 3 service plan – 7 days
Partial backups – 60 hours
To create a manual backup:
Navigate to the Backups application.
Select Create backup in the upper-right corner.
Select the environment for which you want to create a backup.
Only Tenant administrator and DevOps roles can access and create backups for the Production environment. See Reference - Xperience Portal user roles.
Select whether to create a full backup or select the components you want to include in the partial backup.
Select Create and wait for the backup to be created.
You can have only one backup process running at a time.
Your backup is now available in the Backups application.
Download a backup
- Navigate to the Backups application.
- Select an environment and select Apply. A list of backups for the environment is displayed.
- Download the backup by selecting Download () under Actions.
Download backups of storage and files
Unlike the backups of the application service and database, the storage and files backups are not directly downloadable. Instead, they are accessible via the AzCopy or Azure Storage Explorer tools using a generated Storage URL. The URL is set to expire in 12 hours after its creation. If you will need a new URL, simply click the download button again and a new Storage URL gets generated.
To access and download the backup files, follow the onscreen instructions in Xperience Portal for either the AzCopy or Azure Storage Explorer tool.
Downloading backups allows you to inspect the state of the application – debug the database or check the integrity, versions, and number of files in the deployment environment.
Restore a backup
- Navigate to the Backups application.
- Select an environment and select Apply. A list of backups for the environment is displayed.
- Restore the backup by selecting Restore () under Actions next to a full backup.
- Note: You cannot restore a partial backup.
- On the Restore a backup page:
- Select exactly which backup you wish to restore.
- For production environments, you can upload an “offline” HTML page in the Custom HTML page field.
- This page is displayed on the live site while the backup is being restored.
- We recommend creating a page that matches your site’s design and branding.
- A default offline page is used if you do not add a custom one.
Application monitoring
The Monitoring set of applications in the Xperience Portal are designed to keep your application running smoothly and provide full visibility into your application’s performance, enabling you to quickly detect and resolve issues, optimize performance, and ensure the best possible user experience.
Uptime monitoring
Use the Outages application under Monitoring in Xperience Portal to see a list of outages for your Xperience Portal project and deployed applications. Records include the time when the outage occurred and the cause of the outage. You can filter the outages by the month when they occurred.
Go to to see the uptime statistics for Xperience Portal. See Xperience Portal uptime statistics.
Your Xperience Portal project occasionally undergoes scheduled maintenance, during which certain Xperience Portal features may become unavailable.
Xperience Portal uptime statistics
Go to to see the statistics about the availability of:
- Xperience Portal
- Deployment API
- Production sites by region
You can also see the list of Past incidents below the statistics.
You can subscribe to the incident reporting to receive a message whenever Kentico creates, updates, or resolves an incident. Select Subscribe to updates at the top of the Xperience by Kentico status page.
Event log and exceptions
Xperience by Kentico integrates Application Insights for ASP.NET Core applications to enable monitoring and aggregation of metrics for your website. For detailed information about enabling the Application Insights integration for your projects, see Deploy to the SaaS environment.
To view the Application Insights logs for your deployments, use the following applications under Monitoring in Xperience Portal:
- Event log – displays entries from the Xperience event log and any custom messages sent via the Application Insights SDK.
- Exceptions – displays all .NET exceptions (errors) from Application Insights. Includes exceptions that can occur before the Xperience application is fully running, in addition to errors in the Xperience event log.
You can filter the logs for individual deployment environments, and based on the time when the event occurred.
Log size limits
There is a daily limit on the size of the Application Insights logs. After the daily limit is reached, further logs are discarded.
The following table lists the daily limits for all deployment environment types and service plans.
Environment | Service plan | GB/Day |
QA | All | 1 |
UAT | Level 3 | 2 |
PROD | Level 1 & Level 2 | 3 |
PROD | Level 3 | 6 |
1 GB can store approximately 125 000 average-sized exceptions or event log records.
Performance metrics
Use the Project metrics application under Monitoring to see various performance metrics related to applications deployed to the SaaS environment. The available metrics include server errors, response time, CPU usage and memory usage. By tracking these metrics, potential issues can be detected and addressed before they impact users, bottlenecks and areas for optimization can be identified, resource utilization can be better understood, and insights can be gained to make data-driven decisions to improve and optimize the application.
To view performance metrics for various SaaS environments:
- In Xperience Portal, navigate to Monitoring → Project metrics.
- Select an Environment and a Time period, for which you want to display metrics.
- Apply the changes.
Email metrics
Use the Email metrics application under Monitoring to see email sending statistics from the SendGrind platform. The available statistics include total numbers of delivered, bounced, and deferred emails. You can also track the number of unique clicks in emails. These metrics help identify deliverability issues, optimize campaigns, and improve user engagement to drive better marketing performance.
To view email metrics for various email channels and deployment environment:
- In Xperience Portal, navigate to Monitoring → Email metrics.
- Select a Channel, Environment and a Time period, for which you want to display metrics.
- Apply the changes.
Alerts notify about potential problems with applications deployed to the SaaS environment. Most of the available alerts are based on performance metrics, such as application responses, server errors or CPU/memory/DTU utilization.
The system currently provides the following types of alerts:
Alert type | Severity | Alert conditions |
Application response | Critical | The application was not responding to web requests for over 15 minutes. “Not responding” means that the value of the Application response metric is 0%. |
CPU utilization greater than 80% | Error | The application’s CPU utilization was above 80% over the past 30 minutes. |
Memory utilization greater than 90% | Error | The application’s memory utilization was above 90% over the past 30 minutes. |
DTU utilization greater than 90% | Error | The application’s Database Transaction Unit (DTU) utilization was above 90% over the past 30 minutes. The DTU utilization metric is calculated as the ratio of used DTUs to the total DTUs available for your project’s plan. |
DTU utilization greater than 70% | Warning | The application’s memory utilization was above 70% over the past 30 minutes. The DTU utilization metric is calculated as the ratio of used DTUs to the total DTUs available for your project’s plan. |
Failed requests (Server errors) | Error | More than 5% of web requests sent to the application over a 30 minute interval resulted in a failed status, i.e. returned a 5xx HTTP status code. |
Failed deployment | Error | Deployment of a package failed. |
Service scaling | Warning | A production environment was scaled out to the maximum number of allowed instances over the past 360 minutes. Typically occurs due to autoscaling under heavy load. Only applies to projects with a custom service plan, which can allow scaling to 3 or more service instances. |
Cloudflare DDoS attack | Warning | An HTTP DDoS attack has been detected on one of your domains. These attacks are automatically detected and mitigated by the Cloudflare CDN. |
To view alerts for your project’s deployments, navigate to Monitoring → Alerts in Xperience Portal. You can filter the alerts for individual deployment environments, based on the time when the alert was fired, and the alert severity.
Alerts are displayed with the Resolved flag if the conditions that caused the alert to fire no longer apply. For example, a CPU utilization alert will be resolved after the utilization drops under the 80% threshold for 30 minutes. Select Show active alerts only in the filter if you wish to see only unresolved alerts.
Alert email notifications
Whenever an alert is fired, the system sends a notification email to all Xperience Portal users assigned to the related project.
Individual users can adjust their preferences for receiving alert email notifications:
- In Xperience Portal, expand the top-right user menu.
- Select Notifications.
- Customize for which alert types and severities you want to receive email notifications from each deployment environment.
- Note: The selected alert severity and alert type conditions are combined using an AND statement. If you select Critical alert severity and CPU alert type, you will not receive any alerts of alert types other than CPU. For the Production environment, it is recommended to enable all alert types and at least Critical and Error alert severity.
- Select Save changes.