Rich text editor customization

The rich text editor in Xperience can be extended by defining custom editor configurations and by developing custom plugins.

Additionally, the system allows developers to exactly control which rich text editor configurations are loaded, and to make dynamic adjustments of the configuration content. This can be done by providing a custom implementation of the IRichTextEditorConfigurationProvider service. In most cases, we recommend extending the default implementation via the decorator pattern.

The sections below provide examples of scenarios that use this customization pattern:

Replace the default editor configuration

When adding fields with the Rich text editor form component in the field editor, the selected Configuration name determines which options and plugins are available in the editor toolbar. If the user leaves the Configuration name empty, the field uses a default editor configuration.

You can use the IRichTextEditorConfigurationProvider service to replace the default configuration with a custom editor configuration that is preferred for your project. With this change, users no longer need to select your custom configuration for every rich text field.

  1. Open your Xperience solution in Visual Studio.
  2. Add a custom assembly (Class Library project) with class discovery enabled to the solution, or re-use an existing assembly.
  3. Create a new custom class in the assembly, and implement the IRichTextEditorConfigurationProvider interface.
  4. Add the GetConfigurationByName method:
    • The configurationName parameter contains the identifier of the configuration that was requested. Write a condition to detect the configurations that you want to replace.
      • Access the IDENTIFIER constant in the following classes to get the identifier of the system’s default configurations:
        • RichTextEditorWebsitesStructuredContentConfiguration – for page fields
        • RichTextEditorStructuredContentConfiguration – for reusable content item fields
        • RichTextEditorHeadlessStructuredContentConfiguration – for headless item fields
        • RichTextEditorEmailContentForAutoresponderConfiguration – for emails with the Form autoresponder purpose
        • RichTextEditorEmailContentConfiguration – for all other emails
      • For rich text editor fields with the default “empty” configuration outside of the above locations, the configurationName is null.
    • Use the decorator customization pattern to call the default implementation for cases where you do not wish to replace the requested configuration.
  5. Register the implementation using the RegisterImplementation assembly attribute.
Replacing the default rich text editor configurations

using System;

using CMS;

using Kentico.Xperience.Admin.Base.Forms;
using Kentico.Xperience.Admin.Websites;

// Registers the custom IRichTextEditorConfigurationProvider implementation
[assembly: RegisterImplementation(typeof(IRichTextEditorConfigurationProvider), typeof(CustomDefaultRichTextEditorConfigurationProvider))]

public class CustomDefaultRichTextEditorConfigurationProvider : IRichTextEditorConfigurationProvider
    private readonly IRichTextEditorConfigurationProvider richTextEditorConfigurationProvider;
    public CustomDefaultRichTextEditorConfigurationProvider(IRichTextEditorConfigurationProvider richTextEditorConfigurationProvider)
        // Gets an instance of the default IRichTextEditorConfigurationProvider service
        this.richTextEditorConfigurationProvider = richTextEditorConfigurationProvider;
    // Loads the configuration for instances of the rich text editor in the administration
    public string GetConfigurationByName(string configurationName)
        // The 'configurationName' parameter contains the identifier of the requested editor configuration
        // This condition replaces the system's default editor configuration for page fields
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(configurationName) || 
            string.Equals(configurationName, RichTextEditorWebsitesStructuredContentConfiguration.IDENTIFIER, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
            // Use the identifier of your preferred custom configuration
            // For example, access the IDENTIFIER constant of the class used to register the configuration
            return richTextEditorConfigurationProvider.GetConfigurationByName(CustomDefaultEditorConfiguration.IDENTIFIER);

        // Calls the default implementation and returns the unmodified configuration in all other cases
        return richTextEditorConfigurationProvider.GetConfigurationByName(configurationName);

Add custom CSS to the rich text editor

The following example demonstrates how to adjust the appearance and design of the rich text editor by inserting custom styles. The recommended approach is to create a custom plugin containing the required elements and CSS, and then use the IRichTextEditorConfigurationProvider service to dynamically insert your plugin into the appropriate editor configurations.

  1. Create a custom JavaScript module for the admin UI.
    • Use the client development boilerplate project to simplify the set up. Make sure the project has the Kentico.Xperience.Admin NuGet package installed so it can access admin UI-related APIs.
  2. Within the module, create a React component file for the plugin.
    • Import any required styles. You do not need to return any custom markup.
     import React from 'react';
     // Imports custom styles
     import './CustomCSSRichTextEditorPlugin.css';
     // The plugin component's name must have the 'RichTextEditorPlugin' suffix
     export const CustomCSSRichTextEditorPlugin = () => {
         return (
             // No markup to return
  3. Add files containing the styles that you wish to import.
    • You can use basic CSS, or any CSS extension language supported by your module’s environment.
     /* Examples of custom styles for the fr-view class, which is applied to the editor's content area */
     .fr-view h2 {
         font-size: 3em;
     .fr-view {
         background-color: red;
  4. Export the plugin component from the module:
     export * from './path/CustomCSSRichTextEditorPlugin';
  5. Create a class in the admin module, and implement the IRichTextEditorConfigurationProvider interface.
  6. Add the GetConfigurationByName method and insert the customPlugins array with your custom CSS plugin into every configuration:
    Adding the custom CSS plugin to rich text editor configurations
     using System.Text.Json;
     using System.Text.Json.Nodes;
     using CMS;
     using Kentico.Xperience.Admin.Base.Forms;
     // Registers the custom IRichTextEditorConfigurationProvider implementation
     [assembly: RegisterImplementation(typeof(IRichTextEditorConfigurationProvider), typeof(CustomCssRichTextEditorConfigurationProvider))]
     public class CustomCssRichTextEditorConfigurationProvider : IRichTextEditorConfigurationProvider
         private readonly IRichTextEditorConfigurationProvider richTextEditorConfigurationProvider;
         public CustomCssRichTextEditorConfigurationProvider(IRichTextEditorConfigurationProvider richTextEditorConfigurationProvider)
             // Gets an instance of the default IRichTextEditorConfigurationProvider service
             this.richTextEditorConfigurationProvider = richTextEditorConfigurationProvider;
         public string GetConfigurationByName(string configurationName)
             // Gets the requested rich text editor configuration
             var configuration = richTextEditorConfigurationProvider.GetConfigurationByName(configurationName);
             // Adds the custom CSS plugin to the configuration's JSON content
             var jsonObj = JsonNode.Parse(configuration);
             if (jsonObj?["customPlugins"] is JsonArray optionsArray)
                 var newOption = new JsonObject
                     // Replace 'orgName' and 'projectName' with the values for your client admin module.
                     // The final part of the plugin name must match the name of 
                     // the plugin's React component without the 'RichTextEditorPlugin' suffix.
                     ["pluginName"] = "@orgName/projectName/CustomCSS"
             // Returns the modified configuration content, including the custom CSS plugin
             return jsonObj?.ToJsonString(new JsonSerializerOptions { WriteIndented = true });
    In the pluginName configuration value, replace orgName and projectName with your own values. By default, the boilerplate project uses acme and web-admin respectively. The final part of the plugin name must match the name of the plugin’s React component without the RichTextEditorPlugin suffix (CustomCSS in this example).

The custom IRichTextEditorConfigurationProvider service dynamically inserts the custom CSS plugin into every rich text editor configuration, and the imported CSS is applied to the editor in the admin UI.