UI application pages

UI application pages are UI pages that encapsulate a UI page hierarchy with specific functionality under an application.

Every application in the admin UI is contained within an application page that serves as the app’s entry point and the root for its UI page subtree.

Application pages:

Create UI application pages

UI application pages must inherit from the ApplicationPage base class.

C#Create new UI application pages

using Kentico.Xperience.Admin.Base;

public class CustomApplication : ApplicationPage
    // Unique identifier of the application
    public const string IDENTIFIER = "Acme.CustomApplication";

Application pages don’t need to display any content or visuals. The ApplicationPage base class ensures all requests targeting the page get redirected to their first registered child page. 

UI application categories

Each application page must be assigned to an application category during registration. Moreover, the categories themselves need to be registered.

Register new categories via the UIApplication assembly attribute:

C#Registering a custom application category

using Kentico.Xperience.Admin.Base;

[assembly: UICategory(
    codeName: "category.code.name",
    name: "Category name", 
    icon: Icons.Cogwheel, 
    order: 100)]

When registering new application pages, you can assign them to one of the predefined system categories – visible in the left-hand vertical menu in the admin UI – or create a custom category. Application pages are assigned to categories via the category code name.

Predefined categories

The code names of default system categories are stored as constants in:

  • Kentico.Xperience.Admin.Base.UIPages.BaseApplicationCategories
  • Kentico.Xperience.Admin.DigitalMarketing.UIPages.DigitalMarketingApplicationCategories
  • Kentico.Xperience.Admin.Content.UIPages.ContentApplicationCategories

Register UI application pages

To register application pages into the system, use the UIApplication assembly attribute. Supply the following parameters:

  • identifier – a unique identifier string for the application. Used in the data stored when assigning permission sets for the application to roles.
  • type – the type implementing the page (inheriting from ApplicationPage).
  • slug – the URL segment under which the application is available. Applications are always accessible directly under the admin UI’s root: <domain>/admin/<UIApplicationSlug>
  • name – the name of the application page.
  • category – the category to which the application is assigned.
  • icon – the icon displayed for the application in the administration application menu and dashboard.
  • templateName – the name of the client template used by the page. Application pages should use the SECTION_LAYOUT client template to display a navigation menu for their child pages.
C#UI application page registration

using Kentico.Xperience.Admin.Base;  

[assembly: UIApplication(
    identifier: CustomApplication.IDENTIFIER, 
    type: typeof(CustomApplication), 
    slug: "my-application",
    name: "Custom admin UI app", 
    category: BaseApplicationCategories.DEVELOPMENT,
    icon: Icons.Cogwheel, 
    templateName: TemplateNames.SECTION_LAYOUT)]

Assign permissions to UI application pages

To define the set of UI permissions available to and evaluated by the given application, see UI page permission checks.