Integrate custom code

When customizing or extending Xperience, developers often need to add code files (classes). Classes are required when integrating custom services (interface implementations) or other components.

Instead of adding classes directly into the main web project, create the files as part of a separate Class Library project (assembly). Custom assemblies provide a cleaner separation of code and better reusability between different projects.

Group project assemblies within a solution

If you have not yet done so, we recommend creating a solution file for your project. Solutions allow you to track multiple assemblies within a single workspace, and to easily reference, navigate, and structure your codebase.

To create an assembly for custom classes in your Xperience solution:

  1. Open your Xperience solution in Visual Studio.
  2. Create a new Class Library project in the solution.
  3. Add the Xperience API libraries to the project:
    1. Right-click the solution in the Solution Explorer and select Manage NuGet Packages for Solution.
    2. Select the desired package (e.g. Kentico.Xperience.Core).
    3. Install the package into the project (the version must match your main web project’s Kentico.Xperience.WebApp package).
  4. Reference the project from your main web project.

You can now add your custom classes under the created class library project.

Enable class discovery

In many cases, the system needs to detect and process custom classes on application start. For example, this is required for all custom classes registered using an attribute, such as RegisterImplementation, RegisterModule, etc. 

To allow class discovery, you need to add the AssemblyDiscoverable assembly attribute to your Class Library project. We recommend using the following approach:

  1. Create a dummy class within your project, for example, AssemblyAttributes.cs.

  2. Add the AssemblyDiscoverable assembly attribute:

     using CMS;

The attribute ensures that Xperience processes your assembly on application start and discovers all contained custom classes that are properly registered.

Adding the assembly attribute to the csproj file

Adding assembly attributes to code files has advantages, such as proper compilation, warnings about potentially obsolete API, etc. However, if you do not wish to create a dummy class for this purpose, you can alternatively edit your project’s csproj file and add the assembly attribute there:

    <AssemblyAttribute Include="CMS.AssemblyDiscoverableAttribute">

Store application resources in resource files

We recommended storing all custom resources required by your customizations, such as text strings, in resource files (.resx). Resource files enable a clear separation between source code and text. By centralizing text resources, .resx files ensure consistency and make it easier to maintain, modify, and find text strings used by the application.

Create and register resource files in Xperience:

  1. Create a new .NET resource file. See Create resource files for .NET apps.

  2. Set the file as embedded resource via your project’s .csproj file. Embedded resources become part of the compiled assemmbly (.dll) file and can be loaded by Xperience.

    Set the file as embedded resource
         <EmbeddedResource Include="<path/to/file.resx>">
  3. Register the resource file in the system using the RegisterLocalizationResource attribute. The registration requires the type encapsulating the resource file and the language for which to use the resource. Xperience by Kentico doesn’t currently support administration interface localization – only English is supported. Use the SystemContext.SYSTEM_CULTURE_NAME property, which registers the resource for English.

    Example resource file registration
     using CMS.Base;
     using CMS.Localization;
     using Acme.Web.Admin;
     // Resource file registration
     [assembly: RegisterLocalizationResource(typeof(MyProjectResources), SystemContext.SYSTEM_CULTURE_NAME)]
     namespace Acme.Web.Admin
         // Class encapsulating the resource file
         public class MyProjectResources

When creating resource strings, consider using a unique prefix in your resource keys to prevent potential conflicts when deploying to other projects. For example, the prefix can match your company, project, or customization name.

Resource strings from registered resource files can be used using ILocalizationService.

// Instance resolved using dependency injection
private readonly ILocalizationService localizationService;

// Resolves the string under 'myproject.validations.nocontentwarning'

Integrate third-party libraries – troubleshooting

This section provides solutions to some issues you may encounter when integrating external libraries with the system.

Database connection issues when scheduling parallel or asynchronous work from external libraries

When code from third-party libraries is responsible for scheduling asynchronous or parallel data retrieval from the Xperience database (e.g., using Task.Run), you may encounter unpredictable issues related to database connection, such as the following exceptions:

  • There is already an open DataReader associated with this Command.
  • ExecuteReader requires an open and available Connection. The connection’s current state is closed.

These issues can be caused by improperly sharing per-thread contextual information, such as the database connection context, among individual worker threads that process the parallel or asynchronous requests. An example is a thread being assigned a database connection that was, in the meanwhile, closed inside a different thread.

Consider the following code where LoadData is supplied by your custom code, while ExternalLibrary is called from within third-party code and is responsible for scheduling the data load operations from the Xperience database (spawning worker threads).

Asynchronous data retrieval via external library

// Assume this implementation resides in third-party code (e.g., NuGet references)
public async Task ExternalLibrary()
    var tasks = new List<Task>();

    for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
        var t = Task.Run(async () =>
            await LoadData();

    await Task.WhenAll(tasks);

public async Task LoadData()
    // Creates a new connection scope for this operation
    using (new CMSConnectionScope(true))
    using (var resources = 
                await ConnectionHelper.ExecuteReaderAsync("SELECT ResourceID FROM CMS_Resource",
        await resources.ReadAsync();

        // Process the data...

As implemented in the example, the LoadData method is not robust enough to ensure each spawned worker thread gets assigned a fresh database connection scope when LoadData is called from ExternalLibrary (simulating delegated execution via third-party code).

To help maintain thread context separation, the system provides the CMS.Base.ContextUtils.ResetCurrent method, which ensures that the current thread (and all its child threads) are assigned a fresh connection scope instance. The method must be called before instantiating any context-sensitive objects, typically at the beginning of the delegated code.

Using ContextUtils.ResetCurrent to fix the sample scenario above yields the following updated LoadData code.

ResetCurrent usage

public async Task LoadData()
    // Clears residual context data inherited from the parent
    // which scheduled the data load for execution (a thread from 'ExternalLibrary' in this case)

    // Creates a new connection scope for this operation
    using (new CMSConnectionScope(true))
    using (var resources = 
                await ConnectionHelper.ExecuteReaderAsync("SELECT ResourceID FROM CMS_Resource",
        await resources.ReadAsync();

        // Process the data...

The ContextUtils class also provides the PropagateCurrent method, which is useful if you have direct control over the scheduling code (parallel or asynchronous operations). You can use a suitable overload of the PropagateCurrent method to pass the context of the current thread to all worker threads spawned by your logic without mutating the current (parent) context – and encountering similar problems with thread context sharing.

PropagateCurrent example

var tasks = new List<Task>();

for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
    // When a developer has control over scheduling the work, ContextUtils.PropagateCurrent() can be used
    // to create a snapshot of current context and propagate its copy to individual work items
    var t = Task.Run(ContextUtils.PropagateCurrent(async () =>
        using (new CMSConnectionScope(true))
        using (var resources = 
                    await ConnectionHelper.ExecuteReaderAsync("SELECT ResourceID FROM CMS_Resource",
            await resources.ReadAsync();

            // Process the data...


await Task.WhenAll(tasks);