Administration domain configuration

The Xperience by Kentico administration interface is a web application that can be accessed in a browser by adding the /admin path after the domain where the application is deployed. When you add one or more website channels, the administration is also available on all of the configured website channel domains.

However, even though delivering content through websites is one of the main purposes of Xperience by Kentico, it is not a website-centered product and does not require website channels to function. All channel types are optional. Xperience by Kentico can run as a content management and digital marketing platform even before you configure any channels, and it is possible to serve content through email or headless channels without a website.

We recommend separating the administration from your website channels by using a dedicated domain to access the administration. For example, you can have website channels running on the and domains, and use a shared domain to manage both websites, as well as features that are not website-related.

Set up a domain redirect to ensure that all users consistently access the administration on the dedicated domain.

To further secure access to your project’s administration, you can consider deploying one Xperience instance for the administration and another separate instance without the administration to serve your live websites to visitors.

Administration domains for SaaS deployments

When using Xperience by Kentico SaaS, you currently cannot set a custom administration domain.

However, every deployment environment has a default system domain that you can use to access the administration in format: <environment>-<project_code_name>

Administration domains in local environments

When setting up local hosting, you can use localhost with different port numbers to set up multiple domains for your website channels and administration (for example using the launchSettings.json file for the Kestrel web server).

Benefits of a dedicated administration domain

Using a dedicated administration domain provides the following advantages:

  • The administration is always consistently accessed through a single domain. This reduces confusion, and prevents administrators, content editors and marketers from assuming that the administration only affects their “current” website.
  • Easier setup of single sign-on (SSO) for the administration when using external authentication options.
  • Simpler configuration of Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) for headless channel features or for integrations with third-party applications or services.
  • Readiness for future expansion of your project. Any configuration or integrations that rely on the domain of the administration do not need to be adjusted to support newly added channels with other domains.

Set up an administration domain redirect

  1. Open your Xperience solution in Visual Studio.

  2. Choose a way to configure the dedicated administration domain for the application, for example, using ASP.NET Core configuration providers. The following code snippets show how to set up the configuration via the appsettings.json file, together with a matching options class.

         "CMSHashStringSalt": "93c8cba7-0837-4358-9862-0483f046bcc9",
         "AdminRedirectOptions": {
             "RedirectDomain": ""
    Options class
     public class AdminRedirectOptions
         public string RedirectDomain { get; set; }
  3. Perform a redirect to the configured administration domain for all requests with the /admin URL path. For example, use the ASP.NET URL rewriting Middleware.

     var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
     // ...
     // Loads the administration redirect domain (AdminRedirectOptions) from a configuration file section
     // ...
     var app = builder.Build();
     // Configures the URL rewriting options
     var rewriteOptions = new RewriteOptions()
         .Add(context =>
             var httpContext = context.HttpContext;
             var request = httpContext.Request;
             // Checks if the URL path starts with '/admin'
             if (request.Path.StartsWithSegments("/admin", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                 // Gets the redirect domain for the administration
                 string adminDomain = httpContext.RequestServices
                 // Checks if the current host is not already the administration domain
                 if (!adminDomain.Equals(request.Host.ToString(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                     // Redirects the request to the new domain
                     httpContext.Response.Redirect($"//{adminDomain}{request.Path}{request.QueryString}", permanent: false);
                     context.Result = RuleResult.EndResponse;
     // Adds the URL rewriting middleware to the request pipeline using the configured RewriteOptions
     // ...
  4. Save the changes and rebuild your solution.

When a user now accesses the application on any domain with a URL path starting with /admin, the system automatically redirects them to the correct administration domain.