Reference - Admin UI form components
This page lists all form components that are available in new installations of Xperience. For details on programmatically configuring these components in component configuration dialogs, see Editing components.
Form component attributes are located in the
Combined content selector
Field data type: Pages and reusable content
C# data type: IEnumerable<ContentItemReference>
Form component attribute: ContentItemSelectorComponent
Enables users to select and associate content items from the content hub and pages from the content tree of any website channel, depending on the configuration.
When used as an editing component, returns a collection of ContentItemReference
objects that contain GUIDs of the selected content items.
Configuration properties
- Content item scoping – The selector offers multiple ways to scope the set of content items available for selection.
- ContentTypeName – the code name of the content type. Scopes the selector to offer items of the given content type.
- ContentTypeNames[] – an array of content type code names. Scopes the selector to offer items of the given content types.
- IReusableFieldSchemasFilter implementation – an implementation of the
interface that scopes the offered items to those whose content type uses one of the specified reusable field schemas.
- AllowContentItemCreation – determines whether the selector displays a button that allows users to create new content items. True by default.
- This options is not supported when scoping the selection using reusable field schemas.
- DefaultViewMode – sets the selector’s default view mode. Use the values from the
– selected based on the content type displayed in the selector (List for standard items, Grid for images or other assets).Grid
– a gallery showing thumbnail images for the selectable content items (assets).List
– a list of content items.
- MaximumItems – sets the maximum number of selectable items. If not specified, the number is not limited.
- MinimumItems – sets the minimum number of selectable items. If not specified, the number is not limited.
Content type-based scoping and retrieval
// Assigns the combined content selector as the property's editing component
// Enables selection from content items of the 'Coffee' content type
[ContentItemSelectorComponent(Coffee.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, Label = "Selected products", Order = 1)]
public IEnumerable<ContentItemReference> SelectedProducts { get; set; } = new List<ContentItemReference>();
public class ContentItemSelectorUsage : ViewComponent
private readonly IContentQueryExecutor executor;
public ContentItemSelectorUsage(IContentQueryExecutor executor)
this.executor = executor;
public async Task<ViewViewComponentResult> InvokeAsync(ComponentViewModel<CustomWidgetProperties> model)
// Gets the GUIDs from the annotated property
var coffeeGuids = model?.Properties?.SelectedProducts.Select(i => i.Identifier).ToList();
// Builds the query - the content type must match the one configured for the selector
var query = new ContentItemQueryBuilder()
config => config
.Where(where => where
.WhereIn(nameof(IContentQueryDataContainer.ContentItemGUID), coffeeGuids)));
// Retrieves the data of the selected content type
IEnumerable<Coffee> result = await executor.GetMappedResult<Coffee>(query);
// Custom logic...
return View("...");
Content type-based scoping and retrieval for multiple content types
// Assigns the combined content selector as the property's editing component
// Enables selection from content items of 'Coffee' and 'Grinder' content types
[ContentItemSelectorComponent(new string[] { Coffee.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, Grinder.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME },
Label = "Selected products",
Order = 1)]
public IEnumerable<ContentItemReference> SelectedProducts { get; set; } = new List<ContentItemReference>();
public class ContentItemSelectorUsage : ViewComponent
private readonly IContentQueryExecutor executor;
public ContentItemSelectorUsage(IContentQueryExecutor executor)
this.executor = executor;
public async Task<ViewViewComponentResult> InvokeAsync(ComponentViewModel<CustomWidgetProperties> model)
// Gets the GUIDs from the annotated property
var coffeeGuids = model?.Properties?.SelectedProducts.Select(i => i.Identifier).ToList();
// Builds the query - the content types must match those configured for the selector
var query = new ContentItemQueryBuilder()
.ForContentTypes(parameters =>
parameters => parameters.Where(
where => where.WhereIn(
columnName: nameof(IContentQueryDataContainer.ContentItemGUID),
values: coffeeGuids))
// Retrieves the data of selected content items
var result = await executor.GetMappedResult<IContentItemFieldsSource>(query);
// Iterates over selected items as typed objects
foreach (var item in result)
if (item is Coffee coffee)
// Handle coffee data
if (item is Grinder grinder)
// Handle grinder data
return View("...");
Reusable field schema-based scoping and retrieval
// Assigns the combined content selector as the property's editing component
// Enables selection from content items whose content type uses the 'ProductFields' schema
[ContentItemSelectorComponent(typeof(ProductCardSchemaFilter), Label = "Selected products", Order = 1)]
public IEnumerable<ContentItemReference> SelectedProducts { get; set; } = new List<ContentItemReference>();
// Filters the set of content items available in the selector
// to content types that use the 'ProductFields' reusable field schema
public class ProductCardSchemaFilter : IReusableFieldSchemasFilter
IEnumerable<string> IReusableFieldSchemasFilter.AllowedSchemaNames => new List<string> { IProductFields.REUSABLE_FIELD_SCHEMA_NAME };
public class ContentItemSelectorUsage : ViewComponent
private readonly IContentQueryExecutor executor;
public ContentItemSelectorUsage(IContentQueryExecutor executor)
this.executor = executor;
public async Task<ViewViewComponentResult> InvokeAsync(ComponentViewModel<CustomWidgetProperties> model)
// Gets the GUIDs from the annotated property
var selectedProductGuids = model?.Properties?.SelectedProducts.Select(i => i.Identifier).ToList();
// Builds the query - the content type must match the one configured for the selector
var query = new ContentItemQueryBuilder()
.ForContentTypes(parameters =>
// Retrieves the data of the selected content type
IEnumerable<IProductFields> result = await executor.GetMappedResult<IProductFields>(query);
// Custom logic...
return View("...");
Content item folder selector
C# data type: Int32
Form component attribute: ContentFolderSelectorComponent
Enables users to select a content folder. Typically, this selector is used to set the location of reusable content items. Smart folders are not available in the selector.
Returns the ID of the selected folder.
Configuration properties
- DisabledFolderIdsFilter – optionally allows you to specify which folders are disabled for selection. Create a filter class that implements the
interface and assign its type into the property. - Inline – by default, the selector displays a text field showing the path of the currently selected folder, and a Select button that opens a dialog window with a tree where users can choose the folder. If the Inline property is set to true, only the folder selection tree is displayed directly after the field’s label.
- RootName – overrides the name displayed for the root node in the selector’s folder tree. If not specified the default Root name is used.
- WorkspaceName – specifies the name of the workspace for which folders should be listed. If not specified, the KenticoDefault name is used.
// Assigns the content folder selector as the property's editing component
[ContentFolderSelectorComponent(Label = "Location", Inline = true, Order = 1, WorkspaceName = "MyWorkspace")]
public int ContentItemFolderId { get; set; }
// Assigns the content folder selector as the property's editing component
[ContentFolderSelectorComponent(DisabledFolderIdsFilter = typeof(DisabledContentFoldersFilter), Label = "Location", Order = 1)]
public int ContentItemFolderId { get; set; }
// ...
// Specifies folders that are disabled for selection
public class DisabledContentFoldersFilter : IContentFolderIdsFilter
private readonly IInfoProvider<ContentFolderInfo> contentFolderInfoProvider;
public DisabledContentFoldersFilter(IInfoProvider<ContentFolderInfo> contentFolderInfoProvider)
this.contentFolderInfoProvider = contentFolderInfoProvider;
public IEnumerable<int> FolderIds
// Gets a folder with the 'Unselectable' code name
ContentFolderInfo folder = contentFolderInfoProvider.Get("Unselectable");
return new List<int> { folder.ContentFolderID };
Email selector
Field data type: Emails (only available for the fields of module classes, not in the field editor for content types)
C# data type: IEnumerable<EmailRelatedItem>
Form component attribute: EmailSelectorComponent
Enables users to select emails from an email channel.
When used as an editing component, returns a collection of EmailRelatedItem
objects that point to the selected emails. Each EmailRelatedItem
contains an EmailGuid
property with the GUID identifier of the selected email’s configuration object (EmailConfigurationInfo
Configuration properties
- MaximumEmails – sets the maximum number of selected emails. If not specified, the default value is 1 (single email selection). Setting the value to 0 means the number of selected emails is not limited.
- Sortable – enables or disables the ordering of the selected emails.
- Allowed email purposes – the following properties allow you to restrict the selection to emails with specific email purposes (regular, form autoresponder, automation, confirmation). Set the purpose using the string constants from
.- AllowedEmailPurpose – string property that allows you to set one allowed email purpose.
- AllowedEmailPurposes – an array of strings for multiple allowed email purposes.
- ForPreview – indicates whether the selector allows emails that do not have a published version yet (i.e., emails with the initial Draft status). False by default.
// Assigns the email selector as the property's editing component
// Returns a collection of email items (objects that contain the GUIDs of selected emails)
AllowedEmailPurposes = new[] { EmailPurposeOptions.FORMAUTORESPONDER, EmailPurposeOptions.AUTOMATION },
Sortable = true,
MaximumEmails = 3)]
public IEnumerable<EmailRelatedItem> Emails { get; set; } = Enumerable.Empty<EmailRelatedItem>();
Media file selector
Field data type: Media files
C# data type: IEnumerable<AssetRelatedItem>
Form component attribute: AssetSelectorComponent
Enables users to select assets from media libraries.
Returns a collection of AssetRelatedItem
objects that contain metadata of the selected files. Use the ForAssets
ObjectQuery extension method to convert the IEnumerable<AssetRelatedItem>
collection into a collection of MediaFileInfo
using CMS.MediaLibrary;
IEnumerable<MediaFileInfo> assetToMediaFileInfo =
new ObjectQuery<MediaFileInfo>().ForAssets(assetCollection).GetEnumerableTypedResult();
Configuration properties
- MaximumAssets – sets the maximum number of selectable assets. If not specified, the default value is 1 (single file selection).
- 0 – no limit.
- n – at most n files can be selected at once.
- AllowedExtensions – a semicolon-separated list of extensions allowed to be selected. The specified list of extensions must be a subset of extensions allowed for the entire system as configured in the Settings application.
// Assigns the asset selector as the property's editing component
// Returns a list of media files selector items (objects that contain the GUIDs of selected media files)
[AssetSelectorComponent(MaximumAssets = 5, AllowedExtensions = "gif;png;jpg;jpeg")]
public IEnumerable<AssetRelatedItem> Images { get; set; } = Enumerable.Empty<AssetRelatedItem>();
public class AssetSelectorUsage : ViewComponent
private readonly IInfoProvider<MediaFileInfo> mediaFileInfoProvider;
public AssetSelectorUsage(IInfoProvider<MediaFileInfo> mediaFileInfoProvider)
this.mediaFileInfoProvider = mediaFileInfoProvider;
public IViewComponentResult Invoke(ComponentViewModel<CustomWidgetProperties> model)
// Retrieves the selected assets from the properties (of a widget, for example)
IEnumerable<AssetRelatedItem> images = model?.Properties?.Images;
// Gets the media files represented by the selected assets
IEnumerable<MediaFileInfo> mediaFiles = new ObjectQuery<MediaFileInfo>().ForAssets(images);
return View("...");
Object selector
This form component is currently usable only in Page or Form Builder, and model-based edit pages or listing filter models in the Xperience administration.
C# data type: IEnumerable<ObjectRelatedItem>
Form component attribute: ObjectSelectorComponent
Enables users to select any object types from the Xperience database.
Returns a collection of ObjectRelatedItem
objects that represent the selected objects from the Xperience database. Each ObjectRelatedItem
object contains an ObjectGuid
or ObjectCodeName
property (depending on the IdentifyObjectByGuid
property) which contains the identifier of a selected object.
Configuration properties
- ObjectType – a string identifier that sets the code name of the object type listed in the selector.
- IdentifyObjectByGuid – a boolean property that indicates whether the returned object contains the GUID identifier of the selected object instead of the code name. By default, the option is disabled ( false ) and the returned object contains the object code name. It is recommended to identify objects by their code names for optimal performance.
- WhereConditionProviderType – a custom type that allows you to filter what data is available in the object selector using a custom Where condition. The specified condition class must implement the
interface and define itsGet
method. TheGet
method specifies the where condition applied to the data before the list of objects is shown to users. - OrderBy – Defines a list of columns by which the data should be sorted, e.g.,
["UserIsExternal", "UserName DESC"]
- MaximumItems – sets the maximum number of selectable items (objects). If not specified, the default value is 1 (single object selection).
- 0 – no limit.
- n – at most n objects can be selected at once.
- Placeholder – a string property that sets the placeholder text displayed before selecting any items.
[ObjectSelectorComponent("cms.user", WhereConditionProviderType = typeof(ObjectWhere),
OrderBy = new string[] { "UserName DESC" })]
public IEnumerable<ObjectRelatedItem> Users { get; set; } = Enumerable.Empty<ObjectRelatedItem>();
public class ObjectWhere : IObjectSelectorWhereConditionProvider
// Where condition limiting the objects
public WhereCondition Get() => new WhereCondition().WhereStartsWith("UserName", "a");
public class ObjectSelectorUsage : ViewComponent
private readonly IUserInfoProvider userInfoProvider;
public ObjectSelectorUsage(IUserInfoProvider userInfoProvider)
this.userInfoProvider = userInfoProvider;
public IViewComponentResult Invoke(ComponentViewModel<CustomWidgetProperties> model)
// Retrieves the guid of the selected user from the properties
Guid guid = model?.Properties?.Users?.FirstOrDefault()?.ObjectGuid ?? Guid.Empty;
// Retrieves the corresponding user object
var user = userInfoProvider.Get(guid);
// Custom logic...
return View("...");
Object selector variants
In addition to the general object selector component, the system provides variant implementations for specific scenarios. See the following table for details:
Selector | Component attribute | Description |
Object code name selector | ObjectCodeNameSelectorComponent | Returns object code names directly instead of |
Object GUID selector | ObjectGuidSelectorComponent | Returns object GUIDs directly instead of |
Object ID selector | None, assignable only via the field editor. | Returns the ID of a single selected object, as an |
Page selector
Field data type: Pages
C# data type: IEnumerable<WebPageRelatedItem>
Form component attribute: WebPageSelectorComponent
Enables users to select pages from the content tree of a website channel.
Returns a collection of WebPageRelatedItem
objects that represent the selected pages. Each WebPageRelatedItem
object contains a WebPageGuid
property with the GUID of a selected page. You can use the GUIDs to retrieve the selected pages and work with them in your custom components.
Configuration properties
- TreePath – limits the selection of pages to a subtree under a page identified by its tree path (e.g., “/Products/Coffee-grinders”). Only the specified page and its sub-pages can be selected. If not configured, users can select from the entire content tree of a selected website channel.
- MaximumPages – sets the maximum number of selectable pages. If not specified, the default value is 1 (single page selection).
- 0 – no limit.
- n – at most n pages can be selected at once.
- Sortable – a boolean property that enables or disables ordering of the selected pages.
- ItemModifierType – a type that implements the
interface. Provides logic that allows you to disable individual pages offered by the selector based on a custom condition. See the code example below.
// Assigns the page selector as the property's editing component
// Returns a list of page selector items (web page GUIDs)
TreePath = "/Articles",
MaximumPages = 5,
// Uses a system modifier that prevents selection of folders,
// and pages whose content type is not included in routing
ItemModifierType = typeof(WebPagesWithUrlWebPagePanelItemModifier))]
public IEnumerable<WebPageRelatedItem> Pages { get; set; } = Enumerable.Empty<WebPageRelatedItem>();
public class PageSelectorUsage : ViewComponent
private readonly IContentQueryExecutor executor;
public PageSelectorUsage(IContentQueryExecutor executor)
this.executor = executor;
public async Task<IViewComponentResult> InvokeAsync(ComponentViewModel<CustomWidgetProperties> model)
// Retrieves the GUIDs of the selected pages from the 'Pages' property
List<Guid> pageGuids = model?.Properties?.Pages?
.Select(i => i.WebPageGuid)
// Prepares a query that retrieves article pages matching the selected GUIDs
var pageQuery = new ContentItemQueryBuilder()
.ForContentTypes(parameters =>
// Retrieves the data of the selected article pages
IEnumerable<ArticlePage> articlePages =
await executor.GetMappedWebPageResult<ArticlePage>(pageQuery);
// Custom logic...
return View("...");
public class PagesWithUrlPagePanelItemModifier : IWebPagePanelItemModifier
public WebPagePanelItem Modify(WebPagePanelItem pagePanelItem, WebPagePanelItemModifierParameters itemModifierParams)
// Disables selection of pages under a specific tree path
if (itemModifierParams.WebPageMetadata.TreePath.StartsWith("/Articles/Paywalled", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
pagePanelItem.SelectableOption.Selectable = false;
pagePanelItem.SelectableOption.UnselectableReason = "Cannot select pages under the '/Articles/Paywalled' section";
return pagePanelItem;
URL selector
This form component is currently usable only in Page or Form Builder, and model-based edit pages or listing filter models in the Xperience administration.
C# data type: string
Form component attribute: UrlSelectorComponent
Allows content editors to insert a URL to an external resource or select a page from the content tree of a website channel (the selector returns canonical URLs of pages). When used outside of a website channel, the page selection functionality is disabled and URLs can only be inserted manually in text form.
// Assigns the URL selector as the property's editing component
// Returns a string containing the relative URL of the selected page
[UrlSelectorComponent(Label = "Select a page")]
public string PageUrl { get; set; }
public class UrlSelectorUsage : ViewComponent
private readonly IUserInfoProvider userInfoProvider;
public UrlSelectorUsage(IUserInfoProvider userInfoProvider)
this.userInfoProvider = userInfoProvider;
public IViewComponentResult Invoke(ComponentViewModel<CustomWidgetProperties> model)
// Retrieves the selected page URLfrom the properties (of a widget properties class, for example)
string pageUrl = model?.Properties?.PageUrl ?? String.Empty;
// Custom logic...
return View("...");
Smart folder selector
Field data type: Smart folder
C# data type: SmartFolderReference
Form component attribute: SmartFolderSelectorComponent
Enables users to select a smart folder.
Returns a SmartFolderReference
object, which contains an Identifier
property with the GUID of the selected smart folder. You can use the GUID to retrieve the content items that match the filter condition of the selected smart folder.
The selector optionally enables you to restrict which smart folders are available based on the content types allowed by the filter conditions of folders. Create a filter class that implements an appropriate filter interface, and assign its type into the corresponding property of the smart folder selector attribute:
- AllowedContentTypeIdentifiersFilter – scopes the selector to offer only smart folders that include at least one of the returned content types in their filter condition (as well as smart folders that don’t filter by content type at all). The filter type class must implement the
interface. See Example with content type scoping. - AllowedReusableFieldSchemaIdentifiersFilter – scopes the selector to offer only smart folders that include at least one content type using one of the returned reusable field schemas in their filter condition (as well as smart folders that don’t filter by content type at all). The filter type class must implement the
interface. See Example with reusable field schema scoping.
If you do not set either property, the selector allows all smart folders that have dynamic content delivery enabled.
Example with content type scoping
// Assigns the smart folder selector as the property's editing component
// Enables selection of smart folders that allow the 'Coffee' content type
[SmartFolderSelectorComponent(AllowedContentTypeIdentifiersFilter = typeof(CoffeeContentTypeFilter), Label = "Coffee smart folder", Order = 1)]
public SmartFolderReference SmartFolderWithCoffee { get; set; }
// ...
// Filters the smart folders available in the selector to those that allow the 'Coffee' content type
public class CoffeeContentTypeFilter : IContentTypesNameFilter
IEnumerable<string> IContentTypesNameFilter.AllowedContentTypeNames => new List<string> { Coffee.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME };
public class SmartFolderSelectorUsage : ViewComponent
private readonly IContentQueryExecutor executor;
public SmartFolderSelectorUsage(IContentQueryExecutor executor)
this.executor = executor;
public async Task<ViewViewComponentResult> InvokeAsync(ComponentViewModel<CustomWidgetProperties> model)
// Gets the GUID from the annotated property
var selectedSmartFolderGuid = model?.Properties?.SmartFolderWithCoffee.Identifier ?? Guid.Empty;
// Builds a query to retrieve 'Coffee' content items from the smart folder
var query = new ContentItemQueryBuilder()
.ForContentTypes(parameters =>
// Retrieves the data of Coffee content items that currently match the conditions of the selected smart folder
IEnumerable<Coffee> result = await executor.GetMappedResult<Coffee>(query);
// Custom logic...
return View("...");
Example with reusable field schema scoping
// Assigns the smart folder selector as the property's editing component
// Enables selection of smart folders that allow content types using the 'ProductFields' schema
[SmartFolderSelectorComponent(AllowedReusableFieldSchemaIdentifiersFilter = typeof(ProductSchemaFilter), Label = "Product smart folder", Order = 1)]
public SmartFolderReference SmartFolderWithProducts { get; set; }
// ...
// Filters the smart folders available in the selector to those that allow content types using the 'ProductFields' schema
public class ProductSchemaFilter : IReusableFieldSchemasFilter
IEnumerable<string> IReusableFieldSchemasFilter.AllowedSchemaNames => new List<string> { IProductFields.REUSABLE_FIELD_SCHEMA_NAME };
public class SmartFolderSelectorUsage : ViewComponent
private readonly IContentQueryExecutor executor;
public SmartFolderSelectorUsage(IContentQueryExecutor executor)
this.executor = executor;
public async Task<ViewViewComponentResult> InvokeAsync(ComponentViewModel<CustomWidgetProperties> model)
// Gets the GUID from the annotated property
var selectedSmartFolderGuid = model?.Properties?.SmartFolderWithProducts.Identifier ?? Guid.Empty;
// Builds a query to retrieve product content items from the smart folder
var query = new ContentItemQueryBuilder()
.ForContentTypes(parameters =>
// Retrieves the data of Coffee content items that currently match the conditions of the selected smart folder
IEnumerable<IProductFields> result = await executor.GetMappedResult<IProductFields>(query);
// Custom logic...
return View("...");
Tag selector
Field data type: Taxonomy
C# data type: IEnumerable<TagReference>
Form component attribute: TagSelectorComponent
Enables users to select tags from taxonomies to associate them with the currently edited object.
When used as an editing component, returns a collection of TagReference
objects that contain GUIDs of the selected tags.
Configuration properties
- TaxonomyName – the code name of the taxonomy to offer the selection from.
- MinSelectedTagsCount – the minimum number of tags that need to be selected.
- MaxSelectedTagsCount – the maximum number of tags that can be selected.
- 0 – no limit.
- n – at most n tags can be selected at once.
// Assigns the tag selector as the property's editing component
// Enables selection from the 'ItemCategory' taxonomy
[TagSelectorComponent("ItemCategory", Label = "Category", Order = 1)]
public IEnumerable<TagReference> Tags { get; set; }
public class TagSelectorUsage : ViewComponent
private readonly ITaxonomyRetriever taxonomyRetriever;
public TagSelectorUsage(ITaxonomyRetriever taxonomyRetriever)
this.taxonomyRetriever = taxonomyRetriever;
public async Task<ViewViewComponentResult> InvokeAsync(ComponentViewModel<CustomWidgetProperties> model)
// Gets identifiers of the selected tags from the annotated property
IEnumerable<Guid> tagIdentifiers = model?.Properties?.SelectedTags.Select(item => item.Identifier);
// Retrieves a collection of Tag object corresponding to the selected tags.
IEnumerable<Tag> tags = await taxonomyRetriever.RetrieveTags(tagIdentifiers, "en");
// Custom logic...
return View("...");
General selector
This form component is currently usable only in Page or Form Builder, and model-based edit pages or listing filter models in the Xperience administration.
C# data type: IEnumerable<string>
Form component attribute: GeneralSelectorComponent
Allows users to select one or more items using a drop-down menu with a search bar. The items offered by the selector can be of any type, including external data outside of Xperience. Developers need to implement a data provider that loads and prepares the items displayed in the selector.
The selector returns a collection of string objects, which contain the values of the selected items.
Configuration properties
MaximumItems – sets the maximum number of selected items. If not specified, the default value is 0, which means the number of selected items is not limited.
Single general selector
If you only wish to allow selection of a single item, you can use the
form component attribute instead. The single general selector works just like the general selector, but the returned data type isstring
and theMaximumItems
configuration property is not available.Placeholder – text displayed before an option is selected. E.g., “Choose an option”
DataProviderType – dynamic data source for the selector’s options.
The general selector’s data source class must implement the IGeneralSelectorDataProvider
interface and define the following methods:
- GetItemsAsync – provides the items available in the selector. The
parameter contains the text entered into the search box (empty when the selector is initially opened). ThepageIndex
parameter allows you to implement pagination for better performance when working with a very large number of items. To disable pagination, ignore thepageIndex
parameter and set theNextPageAvailable
property of the return object to false. The method must return aPagedSelectListItems<string>
object, containing the selector’s options in itsItems
property, as anIEnumerable<ObjectSelectorListItem<string>
collection. - GetSelectedItemsAsync – identifies which items are currently selected. Transforms an
collection with the values of the selected items intoObjectSelectorListItem<string>
objects, which contain both the item values and the text displayed in the selector interface.
Performance considerations
If you wish to load and display a very large number of items in the general selector, we recommend using pagination and implementing caching in your data provider implementation.
// Assigns the General selector as the property's editing component
dataProviderType : typeof(UserGeneralSelectorDataProvider),
Label = "Users",
Placeholder = "Choose a user")]
public IEnumerable<string> UserOptions { get; set; }
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Kentico.Xperience.Admin.Base.FormAnnotations;
using Kentico.Xperience.Admin.Base.Forms;
using CMS.Membership;
public class UserGeneralSelectorDataProvider : IGeneralSelectorDataProvider
private readonly IUserInfoProvider userInfoProvider;
private IEnumerable<ObjectSelectorListItem<string>> items;
// Item representing an invalid selector option
private static ObjectSelectorListItem<string> InvalidItem => new ObjectSelectorListItem<string>() { IsValid = false };
public CustomGeneralSelectorDataProvider(IUserInfoProvider userInfoProvider)
this.userInfoProvider = userInfoProvider;
// Returns items displayed in the general selector drop-down list
public Task<PagedSelectListItems<string>> GetItemsAsync(string searchTerm, int pageIndex, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
// Prepares a query for retrieving user objects
var itemQuery = userInfoProvider.Get();
// If a search term is entered, only loads users users whose first name starts with the term
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchTerm))
itemQuery.WhereStartsWith("FirstName", searchTerm);
// Ensures paging of items
itemQuery.Page(pageIndex, 20);
// Retrieves the users and converts them into ObjectSelectorListItem<string> options
items = itemQuery.GetEnumerableTypedResult()
.Select(x => new ObjectSelectorListItem<string>()
Value = x.UserName,
Text = $"{x.FirstName} {x.LastName} ({x.UserName})",
IsValid = true
return Task.FromResult(new PagedSelectListItems<string>()
NextPageAvailable = itemQuery.NextPageAvailable,
Items = items
// Returns ObjectSelectorListItem<string> options for all item values that are currently selected
public Task<IEnumerable<ObjectSelectorListItem<string>>> GetSelectedItemsAsync(IEnumerable<string> selectedValues, CancellationToken cancellationToken) =>
Task.FromResult(selectedValues?.Select(v => GetSelectedItemByValue(v)) ?? Enumerable.Empty<ObjectSelectorListItem<string>>()
private ObjectSelectorListItem<string> GetSelectedItemByValue(string value)
return items.Where(item => (item.Value == value)).First() ?? InvalidItem;
Field data type: Boolean (Yes/No)
C# data type: bool
Form component attribute: CheckBoxComponent
Checkbox field that saves a boolean value (true for a selected checkbox, false for a cleared checkbox).
Code editor
Field data type: Text, Long text
C# data type: string
Form component attribute: CodeEditorComponent
Provides a text editing area suitable for code, with support for syntax highlighting and line numbers.
Configuration properties
Language – sets the language for the syntax highlighting applied by the editor. The following values are supported:
- css
- html
- javascript
- sql
- xml
Dropdown selector
Field data type: Text, Long text
C# data type: string
Form component attribute: DropDownComponent
Drop-down selector offering multiple options. Only one option can be selected.
Configuration properties
Options – items must be specified one per line in the format:
Text1;One 2;Two
When configuring the component using the attribute, the options string must contain newline characters. For example for Windows:
Options value separator – custom separator used between the value and text in the options. For example, if set to ‘-’, the options would be:
Text1-One 2-Two
Placeholder – text displayed before an option in the drop-down is selected. E.g., “Month”
DataProviderType – dynamic data source for the component. The assigned type must implement the
interface.C#Exampleusing System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; using CMS.Membership; using Kentico.Xperience.Admin.Base.FormAnnotations; // Populates the selector with all users from the system public class UsersDropdownOptionsProvider : IDropDownOptionsProvider { private readonly IUserInfoProvider userInfoProvider; public UsersDropdownOptionsProvider(IUserInfoProvider userInfoProvider) { this.userInfoProvider = userInfoProvider; } public async Task<IEnumerable<DropDownOptionItem>> GetOptionItems() { return (await userInfoProvider.Get() .GetEnumerableTypedResultAsync()) .Select(x => new DropDownOptionItem() { Value = x.UserID.ToString(), Text = x.UserName }); } }
Date input
Field data type: Date
C# data type: System.DateTime
Form component attribute: DateInputComponent
Date selector.
Annotating a non-nullable property results in the input being prepopulated with the minimum selectable date. If you want to display an empty input instead, use the following construction.
// Use RequiredValidationRule to enforce user input
// Set the property as nullable
public DateTime? Date { get; set; } = null;
DateTime input
Field data type: Date and time
C# data type: System.DateTime
Form component attribute: DateTimeInputComponent
Date and time selector.
Time values in the selector’s UI are automatically converted and displayed in the local time zone of each user, based on browser and environment settings. For example: 05/31/2024 01:30 PM (GMT+02:00). The value stored into the field is always in the time zone of the server where the application is running.
Annotating a non-nullable property results in the input being prepopulated with the minimum selectable date. If you want to display an empty input instead, use the following construction.
// Use RequiredValidationRule to enforce user input
// Set the property as nullable
public DateTime? DateAndTime { get; set; } = null;
Decimal number input
Field data type: Decimal number
C# data type: Decimal
Form component attribute: DecimalNumberInputComponent
Input field for entering decimal numbers.
Field data type: Text, Long text
C# data type: string
Form component attribute: LinkComponent
Displays a non-editable link within forms in the administration interface.
Configuration properties
- Text – the text displayed for the link in the form. If null or empty, the value of the link (the URL) is used instead.
- OpenInNewTab – a boolean property that indicates whether the link opens in a new browser tab. The default value is true.
Number input
Field data type: Integer number
C# data type: Int32
Form component attribute: NumberInputComponent
Text input field for entering whole (integer) numbers.
Field data type: Text, Long text
C# data type: string
Form component attribute: PasswordComponent
Text input field that obscures user input.
Configuration properties
- IgnorePasswordPolicy – if set, disregards all password policy configuration when validating input.
- RequiredLength – the minimum length a password must be. Defaults to 8.
- RequiredUniqueChars – the minimum number of unique characters which a password must contain. Defaults to 1.
- RequireDigit – a flag indicating if passwords must contain a digit. Defaults to
. - RequireNonAlphanumeric – a flag indicating if passwords must contain a non-alphanumeric character. Defaults to
. - RequireUppercase – a flag indicating if passwords must contain an upper case ASCII character. Defaults to
. - RequireLowercase – a flag indicating if passwords must contain a lower case ASCII character. Defaults to
Rich text editor
Field data type: Rich text (HTML)
C# data type: string
Form component attribute: RichTextEditorComponent
Allows users to enter HTML-enriched text using the Rich text editor.
Configuration properties
- ConfigurationName – the configuration to use for the editor. See Rich text editor configuration.
Radio group component
Field data type: Text, Long text
C# data type: string
Form component attribute: RadioGroupComponent
Allows single selection from a group of radio buttons.
Configuration properties
- Options – specifies each button in the radio group, one per line in the
format. For example:1;One
. - Options value separator – custom separator used between the value and label in the options. For example, if set to ‘-’, the options would be
. - Inline – indicates whether the options are displayed in a horizontal layout on a single line. If false, options are displayed vertically on separate lines.
- AriaLabel – an accessibility label for the interactive element of the radio buttons. See aria-label.
Text area
Field data type: Text, Long text
C# data type: string
Form component attribute: TextAreaComponent
Allows users to enter text into an area with adjustable size.
Configuration properties
- CopyButtonVisible – indicates whether a copy that enables users to copy the contents of the text area is visible.
- MaxRowsNumber – sets the maximum number of rows to which the area expands when text is added. If further rows added, the text area displays a scroll bar.
- MinRowsNumber – sets the minimum number of rows displayed in the text area (i.e., the area’s height).
- WatermarkText – placeholder displayed when the area is empty.
Text input
Field data type: Text, Long text
C# data type: string
Form component attribute: TextInputComponent
Text input field.
Text with label
Field data type: Text, Long text, Integer number
C# data type: string
Form component attribute: TextWithLabelComponent
Used to display non-editable text together with a label for informational value.
Extension selector
Field data type: Text, Long text
C# data type: string
Form component attribute: ExtensionSelectorComponent
Allows you to specify a list of allowed extensions using a simple interface. Defaults to the list of system-wide allowed extensions specified in the Settings application: Content → Media → Media file allowed extensions setting.
Configuration properties
- AllowedExtensions – the semicolon-delimited list of allowed extensions.