AIRA configuration

Get access to AIRA

AIRA is not available in Xperience by Kentico by default. If you are interested, contact your sales representative to obtain a license that provides access to AIRA.

Preview feature

AIRA is currently in preview mode. Expect AIRA features to be updated and modified in upcoming versions, including breaking changes.

Feel free to try out the AIRA features, for example using the sample Dancing Goat project template or other demo sites. You can share your feedback directly with the Kentico Product team.

AIRA is an AI-powered assistant that can increase the productivity of content editors, marketers and copywriters by automating content-related tasks with the use of various AI-backed features.

Privacy and data protection

All data processed by AIRA is commercially protected.

Neither Kentico nor the underlying AI models retain the prompts or responses that are generated when using the AIRA features. The data is discarded after each interaction with AIRA, so it can’t be used as part of a training set for the underlying models.

Manage AIRA features

After getting access to AIRA, all AIRA features are active by default. However, you can turn specific AIRA features off, should your project require it.

  1. Open the AIRA application.
  2. Switch to the Feature settings tab.
  3. Deselect the AIRA features you don’t want users to use in the project.
  4. Save the settings.

Feature settings of the AIRA application

Configure AIRA

You can adjust the behavior of specific AIRA features by configuring the following settings:

  1. Open the Settings application.
  2. Select the AIRA category and configure the settings:
    • Excluded content types – allows you to simplify the selection of content sources when generating content for email fields. Items of the specified content types (for reusable content) will not be offered. For example, we recommend excluding content types that only store image content without text.
    • Tone of voice guidelines – allows you to describe your organization’s tone of voice guidelines (professional, simple, humorous, etc.). AIRA will use this tone when generating content. If not specified, AIRA uses a neutral tone.
  3. Save the settings.

The settings apply globally for all content types and fields that support the AIRA features across the system.

Add AIRA features to your content types

Some AIRA features need to be manually enabled for individual fields of your content types:

  1. Open the Content types application.
  2. Select a content type.
    AIRA features are currently not supported in reusable field schemas.
  3. On the Fields tab, select which fields will have AIRA features. You can enable AIRA features for fields:
    • With the Text, Long text or Rich text (HTML) data type.
    • Using the Rich text editor, Text area, or Text input form component.
  4. Expand a field and scroll down to the AIRA features section.
  5. Select Add AIRA feature and choose the feature you want to enable:
    • Generate email content – generates email content based on reusable content items stored in the Content hub, external content specified by web URLs, or a custom description. You can globally configure which content types are available as content sources.

      For fields using the Rich text editor form component, the Generate email content feature also automatically enables rich text editor refinements.
    • Generate email subject based on email content – generates email subject suggestions based on the content of other fields. Use the feature for the EmailSubject system field of email content types.

      1. Select Continue.
      2. Choose which fields of the content type will serve as the content source. Supported field data types are Text, Long text, Rich text (HTML) or Content items. The same data types are supported when loading content from the fields of linked content items. The maximum length of the total source content is 10 000 characters (if exceeded, a warning is displayed to the user and content over the limit is truncated).
      3. Select Save.
    • Rich text editor refinements – supported for text fields using the Rich text editor form component. Allows editors to select text and send it to AIRA for refinement (make text shorter, improve writing and grammar, etc.).

  6. Save the field editor.

The selected AIRA feature is now enabled for the given field. Only one AIRA feature can be enabled for a single field.

AIRA feature added to a content type field

Repeat the process for all fields and content types where you wish to enable the AIRA features.

Use AIRA features outside of content types

AIRA features are not restricted to content types in the Content types application. You can use the same process to enable AIRA features in other field editors, for example for the fields of a custom object type in the Modules application.

However, keep in mind that the Generate email content and Generate email subject based on email content features optimize the AIRA prompts to generate email content. Results may be inaccurate if you attempt to generate other types of content.

Limitations of AIRA features

Some AIRA features are limited by the constraints of the underlying AI services.

  • Automatic image focal point selection:
    • For AIRA to successfully select the focal point in an image, the image needs to:
    • If the automatic selection fails, the focal point is automatically placed at the center of the image.