Get access to AIRA

AIRA is not available in Xperience by Kentico by default. If you are interested, contact your sales representative to obtain a license that provides access to AIRA.

Preview feature

AIRA is currently in preview mode. Expect AIRA features to be updated and modified in upcoming versions, including breaking changes.

Feel free to try out the AIRA features, for example using the sample Dancing Goat project template or other demo sites. You can share your feedback directly with the Kentico Product team.

AIRA is an AI-powered assistant that helps you automate and ease up content-related tasks by:

Automatically select image focal point

When using image variants, AIRA automatically selects the most suitable focal point for an image during file upload. This ensures that your image variants consistently capture the area of interest, eliminating the need for manual cropping or focal point selection for every image uploaded into the system.

Rich text editor refinements

When editing Rich text fields that have the Rich text editor refinements or Generate email content AIRA feature enabled, you can send selected pieces of text to AIRA for refinement.

  1. Select a block of text in the editor.
  2. Select the Refine text with AIRA button, which appears next to the highlighted text.
  3. Choose one of the refinement options (make text shorter, improve spelling and grammar, etc.).
    Refining a paragraph in the rich text editor

AIRA displays a modified version of the selected text based on the chosen refinement option. You can apply further refinements by selecting the buttons below the list. The refinements always apply only to the latest output generated by AIRA. You can also describe adjustments yourself by typing into the prompt at the bottom of the AIRA panel.

Once you are happy with the result, select and copy the text back into the editor. Remember to Save the content.

Generate email content

When creating emails in Xperience, marketers can use AIRA features to generate content suggestions for email subjects and content fields.

Once AIRA features are configured for your email content types, you can start generating content.

  1. Open an email channel application.
  2. Create an email or select an existing one, and open the Content tab.
  3. Select the AIRA ( ) button next to an email field.
    Generating email content
  4. Continue according to the type of the email field:

Generated content language

AIRA generates content in the language that is currently selected in the given application, for example the Content language assigned to an email channel. If content items are not available in the given language when loading source content from the Content hub, the system uses fallbacks based on the configured language settings.

When using the Generate email content AIRA feature without a language context (for example in the UI of a custom module), content is generated in the system’s Default language.

Email subject fields

AIRA generates a list of email subject suggestions based on the content of the fields selected when adding the AI feature.

Generating email subject suggestions

If the initial suggestions are not helpful, you can generate further suggestions by selecting the “quick refinement” buttons below the list. The refinements always apply only to the latest output generated by the AI. You can also describe adjustments yourself by typing into the prompt at the bottom of the AI panel.

Once you find a suitable suggestion for your email subject, you can select the given line, which automatically inserts the text into the email’s Subject field. You can also copy and adjust the text manually. Remember to Save the email.

Email content fields

In the Generate with AIRA panel, you first need to select content sources:

  • Content hub – content is generated from the text fields of the selected content items (stored in the Content hub), as well as any linked content items. The maximum length of the total source content is 10 000 characters (if exceeded, a warning is displayed and content over the limit is truncated). The system loads the latest edited content (Draft or custom workflow steps) of the specified content items, even if they are not published yet.
  • Web URLs – content is generated from external sources found under the specified URLs. Add each URL on a new line.
  • Custom description – write your own description of the content you want AIRA to generate. To get the best results, specify the maximum length of the generated text, describe the target audience, and what the reader should do after reading the content (call to action).

Generate content for emails

For optimal results when using the Content hub and Web URLs content sources, set the Target length (words) according to your requirements, select Provide additional parameters, and fill in all available options.

Once your content sources and parameters are specified, select Generate, and wait for AIRA to produce the results.

You can further refine the generated text using the buttons below the text area. The refinements always apply only to the latest output generated by AIRA. You can also describe adjustments yourself by typing into the prompt at the bottom of the AIRA panel.

Once you are happy with the generated text, select Copy ( ) to add the content into the email field. Remember to Save the email.

For Rich text editor fields, you can also adjust the resulting text at any time using rich text editor refinements.