Design headless content

Advanced license required

Features described on this page require the Xperience by Kentico Advanced license tier.

This page is a part of the Content modeling guide which you should follow sequentially from beginning to end.

Headless content items store content intended for distribution to channels outside of the Xperience application through a headless API (GraphQL). This way, you can consolidate your various channels into the Xperience ecosystem, like mobile apps, web apps, kiosks, etc. into the Xperience ecosystem.

When modeling headless content, one headless item usually represents one unit of the presentation layer (page, screen, navigation, etc.).

Headless channels serve headless content item data in JSON data format primarily to headless applications, services, or websites. Headless content can be retrieved by most smart devices (e.g., mobiles, information kiosks, TV screens, programmable billboards, augmented reality, etc.). Their use case is almost endless.

Xperience is a powerful hybrid-headless content management system focusing primarily on website content. Some of the key differences between Xperience and pure headless CMSs are:

  • Headless CMS delivers headless content to the website and other presentation layers and makes the presentation layers exchangeable. Xperience is not a headless CMS but a hybrid-headless CMS. Headless is just a feature, and Xperience supports read-only headless content scenarios.

  • If the customer decides to use the headless feature to deliver website content, they will miss some other features that come with Xperience out of the box, namely routing, handling former URLs, building online forms for collecting customer data, or content personalization that allows editors to tailor content to customer needs.

Headless terminology

Headless content has no universally accepted terminology that describes the various steps a user moves through as they navigate the application on their device. The project stakeholders should decide on the naming patterns they’ll follow during the product planning stages.

Developers need to adhere to naming conventions they set for their projects and keep their terminology consistent. For example, when they call a page in the presentation layer the screen, they should not randomly alternate this name with step throughout the project’s development.

The naming you decide upon will largely depend on the environment in which you want to use the headless content. For example:


Headless terminology

Mobile applications

Screen, view, page, or component


Email, template, configuration, or email settings


Dialogue, response


Level, scene

IoT Devices

Data stream, Sensor reading, or command

Virtual reality

Scene, interaction, or environment

The following example shows the terminology used for headless items in the Kbank application.

Naming used in the Kbank headless application

We used screen in the demo as it showcases a progressive web application in a mobile responsive view and we recommend that our clients use the same terminology if they deliver Xperience headless content into mobile apps.

Define the customer journey

Mapping a user’s journey through your application enables you to model content based on user scenarios that should occur and plan how your content model is going to support them.

Using Kbank’s headless application as an example:

The first screen the user sees is the main home screen and navigation to other application screens. Home screen itself contains a product listing section that links to each separate product and a shortened articles listing section.

Kbank home screen

The second screen from the navigation bar at the bottom is the product listing screen. The products listing screen links to all available products in the application.

Kbank products listing screen

Each product is then listed on an individual product screen. Editors can use dedicated fields to override the product’s default values and decide which product information displays in the mobile application.

Kbank product screen

The third screen is the articles listing screen. The articles listing screen lists all available articles in the application, which you can expand.

Kbank articles listing screen

Simplified diagram of Kbank’s headless application. The diagram does not show links to all the other articles and products.

Possible Kbank diagram

Model headless content

Store reusable content in Content hub

We recommend that you store all content as reusable in the Content hub. This approach makes your content future-proof. If you extend your marketing reach with a headless channel, you should consider the way you want to model your content. Xperience makes delivering content across your different channels easy by using Content hub as a base.

One of the best approaches to model content is having a single “root content item” represent each content unit. This “root content item” should aggregate other content items via references as required by the project’s content model. To use such “root content items”, wrap them into headless items. If required you can also use Field value overrides to modify default field values to something more suitable for headless.

Root content item with field overrides

In this case, the “root content item” is an article and the alternate title and alternate image are field value overrides to make the content better suited for headless.

As headless content is a highly versatile media of information that can be served to numerous different markets and users, it is not possible to introduce one step-by-step guide to the content modeling process that will fit all. The way you model your content should best fit your needs. This page provides a recommendation that will work best for most scenarios, but not all of them.

Override default field values

Editors might need to override the original content item field’s values with headless-specific values. The process is channel-agnostic, identical to how you can approach content for websites and emails.

Field value override logic

  1. Product is a content item stored in Content hub that acts as a “root content item” for products.

  2. HeadlessProduct is a wrapper for the Product content type for delivery over headless channels. In case editors need to change the default values (e.g., shorter titles, product descriptions due to limited screen space on the target device or if you want to track the content performance - add a field where editors can input tracking IDs), HeadlessProduct can define the same set of fields as Product.

  3. Application logic is responsible for “overriding“ the values from Product fields with the values from HeadlessProduct when the content item is served over headless.

Populate headless channels with headless-specific content

We recommend using “root content items” to fill headless channels. This method simplifies displaying data, as one query shows one app screen. However, there are some disadvantages to this approach, one of which is almost no personalization of your content.

Marketers often want to personalize their content to best suit their consumers. Editors can create personalized content in a headless channel by making headless items for each piece of content that will be part of the app screen. The general recommendations for populating headless channels are:

  1. Headless items functioning as a wrapper for “root content items”. “Root content items” aggregate all the necessary reusable content items into one entity that represents one presentation layer.

  2. Headless items for separate content items with additional fields for customizing their content.

Using Kbank as an example, their headless application uses the App article listing screen content type to list all articles. The application also uses the App article screen content type (marked with red arrows) to personalize the content.

Kbank personalized headless items

Set up a preview for headless applications

Xperience allows editors to preview their content before they publish it. However, enabling preview for headless requires some setup beforehand.

After completing all the necessary configuration, you can use the Preview button to quickly get to your preview environment.

What’s next

You’ve learned about the different options for designing headless content and how to approach creating your content model. On the General content modeling recommendations page, you’ll learn about overall content considerations and universal tips on website functionality that you might consider when planning your next project.