Contact groups

List of examples:

Creating a contact group

// Creates a new contact group object
ContactGroupInfo newGroup = new ContactGroupInfo()
    ContactGroupDisplayName = "New group",
    ContactGroupName = "NewGroup",
    ContactGroupEnabled = true,
    ContactGroupDynamicCondition = "{%Contact.ContactLastName.Contains(\"Smith\")%}"

// Saves the contact group to the database

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Updating a contact group

// Gets the contact group
ContactGroupInfo updateGroup = ContactGroupInfo.Provider.Get("NewGroup");

if (updateGroup != null)
    // Updates the contact group's properties
    updateGroup.ContactGroupDisplayName = updateGroup.ContactGroupDisplayName.ToLowerCSafe();

    // Saves the modified contact group to the database

> Back to list of examples

Updating multiple contact groups

// Gets all contact groups whose name starts with 'New'
var groups = ContactGroupInfo.Provider.Get().WhereStartsWith("ContactGroupName", "New");

// Loops through individual contact groups
foreach (ContactGroupInfo group in groups)
    // Updates the contact group properties
    group.ContactGroupDisplayName = group.ContactGroupDisplayName.ToUpper();

    // Saves the modified contact group to the database

> Back to list of examples

Adding contacts to a contact group

// Gets the contact group
ContactGroupInfo group = ContactGroupInfo.Provider.Get("NewGroup");

if (group != null)
    // Gets all contacts whose last name is 'Smith'
    var contacts = ContactInfo.Provider.Get().WhereEquals("ContactLastName", "Smith");

    // Loops through individual contacts
    foreach (ContactInfo contact in contacts)
        // Creates an object representing the relationship between the contact and the group
        ContactGroupMemberInfo newContactGroupMember = new ContactGroupMemberInfo()
            ContactGroupMemberContactGroupID = group.ContactGroupID,
            ContactGroupMemberType = ContactGroupMemberTypeEnum.Contact,
            ContactGroupMemberRelatedID = contact.ContactID,
            ContactGroupMemberFromManual = true

        // Saves the contact-group relationship to the database

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Removing contacts from a contact group

// Gets the contact group
ContactGroupInfo group = ContactGroupInfo.Provider.Get("NewGroup");

if (group != null)
    // Gets the first contact whose last name is 'Smith'
    ContactInfo contact = ContactInfo.Provider.Get()
                                        .WhereEquals("ContactLastName", "Smith")

    // Gets the relationship between the contact and the contact group
    ContactGroupMemberInfo contactGroupMember =
        ContactGroupMemberInfo.Provider.Get(group.ContactGroupID, contact.ContactID, ContactGroupMemberTypeEnum.Contact);

    if (contactGroupMember != null)
        // Removes the contact from the contact group

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Adding accounts to a contact group

// Gets the contact group
ContactGroupInfo group = ContactGroupInfo.Provider.Get("NewGroup");

if (group != null)
    // Gets the first the account whose name starts with 'New"
    AccountInfo account = AccountInfo.Provider.Get()
                                        .WhereStartsWith("AccountName", "New")

    // Creates an object representing the relationship between the account and the contact group
    ContactGroupMemberInfo newContactGroupAccountMember = new ContactGroupMemberInfo()
        ContactGroupMemberContactGroupID = group.ContactGroupID,
        ContactGroupMemberType = ContactGroupMemberTypeEnum.Account,
        ContactGroupMemberRelatedID = account.AccountID

    // Saves the account-contact group relationship to the database

> Back to list of examples

Removing accounts from a contact group

// Gets the contact group
ContactGroupInfo group = ContactGroupInfo.Provider.Get("NewGroup");

if (group != null)
    // Gets the first the account whose name starts with 'New"
    AccountInfo account = AccountInfo.Provider.Get()
                                        .WhereStartsWith("AccountName", "New")

    // Gets the relationship between the account and the contact group
    ContactGroupMemberInfo contactGroupAccountMember =
        ContactGroupMemberInfo.Provider.Get(group.ContactGroupID, account.AccountID, ContactGroupMemberTypeEnum.Account);

    if (contactGroupAccountMember != null)
        // Removes the account from the contact group

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Deleting a contact group

// Gets the contact group
ContactGroupInfo deleteGroup = ContactGroupInfo.Provider.Get("NewGroup");

if (deleteGroup != null)
    // Deletes the contact group

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